My nearYest and Dearyest bici from 'bonedale, the raleigh fixxeroo is on the way to you know who!! WHooot WHOOoT. Yup young Michael Rasmusofawn Hayes Esq. was and Iz kind enough to hang onto my bikes whilst the transition continues. . ANd it appears young NiRAd aka Darin of GearX glory has retrieved for package and shipment love, said Raleigh, and is ON IT!!! SCHWeeeT thanks GUyZ, hit me on the threeway\\\ for direction,
In Due time another lil ol love of my life will also reappear. . El COoper
Cuz this ol stompa looves rollin' some of them Skeeeny tyrez, that's fer darn sure!
that yellow flite missis me
yah but the new white specialized keeps your nutz breathin blood
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