>For all those who like to stoMP i salute you!<>the JWPT and I will be fine.) It happens to work out, and so far I've taken that swell system of public transport out to my Gran's in CT. and ridden everywhere else, Cuz its RAD!
YEsterday at BBB aka brooklynbikenblade the snow did start to fall on vanderbilt and dean> at closing time the conditions were off the skiddable charts. Luckily the weather had presented itself for my consideration for the brief period when the snow was falling outside the shop. Aand upon discovering a tyre having been ordered for some reason, it was duely mounted. A wicked 29r tyre from maxxis that has a nice set of fairly solid squares down the center bead. With about 49.999 pounds of tyre pressure the front end chillin was at an all time supreme. Light layer of buttery fresh slip slidy brooklyn freshieZ with freezing rain on the way.
Atlantic ave and Vanderbilt well lit by the lounging traffic, the JWPT in 49 degree skid-tastic mode. Dang the Dura Ace rear sti paired with the 8 inch avid bb7 road XTRA rad brakeZ sure love a little slipN that schwalbe 26" marathon tyre ssOsnice. . .hay i just realized that i was actually writing the bbblade blog post on the stmprillzblg, , whatevs nbd
i will admit to the most enjoyable exertion the jwpt amd i have had since arrival in bklyn occured last eve. . post work non shower nappin' in ivinz bed led me to depart studio at 7:36 rollin' over the wllmsbrgbrdge with that fresh big tyre in style. I gave a hoot to the yahoo who descended on the north east entrance as i skdded round the corner but he didnt know what to say HWOOOO. . and circled the east village before fiinally located the walking party, , whom was later equivalent in approx weight to the fully loaded JWPT, for a return trip over the WilllliamzbRG brdge, in the lightlyLovely freezing-ish rain.
Quite fantastical training, I might add, sheeesh
Long story short, big tyre's on the front of long bikes in inclement conditions, are RAD!!!!
RAD in deed my citybound maniacal bro. We did some slippity long bike (and tall) bike ridin con la luna buena last night, KDNK in STEREO sound from multiple sources. Glad you got the big wheel -- is there still a crack in that sloboker?
Oh yah, they wanted the pain train back for warranty, i was like WHAAAAT? no way jose, still goin strong with the hose clamps
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