HOw glorious!! STompn at it's finest with some fine STompaZ! Nirad and Getty failed to rally any more roaring fork stomprz, as did Skotty2hotty and myself, but of course 4 turned out to be the perfect number.. 4:20 am saw us awake but in the proud tradition of preperation and timing coming together, we didn't pedal out till 5:30.. and it wasn't until 5:30pm that we encountered our first rain. Prior to that was nothing but beautiful White Rim goodness, tacky dirt, shreddy shredness, and so on and so forth. The last 10 miles or so did see us paying our dues with an epic mud-bog double track that threatened to swallow our bikes whole, but instead just stopped all moving parts, like wheels. Luckily we all know a bike mechanic for that lovely post mud fest overhaul, (aim the pressure washer into the bearings)
And we managed to get up and out of mineral bottom the next morning, but not before doing the right thing for the PBR's awaiting us, (stompn 'em in succesion) eating burgers with salad dressing and passing the f out! NOt quite 100 mi but the White Rim in a day no less, and plenty happy happy all around..
Skotty didn't like bikes or anything at the end of the final mud slog, but he just called and said he's in search of a permit for a three day STompR Tour with lots of frisbee golf for sometime in the vicinity of 4.20.2010. . .sickter. . . thanks guys for showing the way, just gotta believe!!
fat-tabuolousness in tru StOmpa fashion
of course you can count me in for the complete sweetness of a three day tour, three whole days!! sick and frisbee golf from the top of one of the side hikes could be killer too!!!!!!
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