Travis' FLIP BIKE double flip!
sweriously, that looks safe
On and around the turkeyholiday we took out my dad's tractor in Hotchkiss and drove it around. He was doing his part in Vermont by having a bonfire for his 60th bday. hooray BURNiT!
aaalright 'twas a pleasure
I've been all stoked on the writing of Vince and upon reading back a couple years of his excellent posts, i discover that he grew up in VT where I did, snowboarding on the same hill, DaaaaNg
-- " Thank you for putting questions in my head: “Do I NEED a truck?”, “Couldn’t you LIVE without a big truck?”, “It’s SO big.”, “Why do you need a truck that BIG?”.
Reality: I am a big man who admires big trucks. I don’t even care what color they are.
If it’s big and strong, I’d drive a pink one and still kick your ass in it.
As a big man who will always like big trucks, and one who has the means to own one, I may just buy one soon, and drive it happily.
Just letting you know, so you can prepare to keep your comments inside, bottled up.
And keep your horribly lame, hybrid wimp-mobile in the slow lane, for as long as it makes you feel better about yourself.
Vince is GREat!
Stop denying yourself some serious, completely harmless, socially networked fun.
i think i may have just blown one of the studio speakers, good way to start off stomparadiotride

Well SCooba SteveZ is finding new and fun stuff to do with the fam in maui, which i just happened to catch on the LIVE webcam, seems like the amphibious stompn is really comin along out there on the 50ish state.. as someone in our fabled military industrial complex once said, kill 'em all, let GOD sort 'em out.. stmp
South Carolina shoppers will get a second chance to buy tax-free guns. The state Revenue Department sent out a reminder Wednesday of the upcoming "Second Amendment Weekend." The 48-hour tax break begins just after midnight the Friday after Thanksgiving.
Shoppers will pay no state or local sales taxes on handguns, rifles and shotguns, which can tally 9 percent. Taxes still apply to ammunition and accessories.
Did we ever!!

HOw glorious!! STompn at it's finest with some fine STompaZ! Nirad and Getty failed to rally any more roaring fork stomprz, as did Skotty2hotty and myself, but of course 4 turned out to be the perfect number.. 4:20 am saw us awake but in the proud tradition of preperation and timing coming together, we didn't pedal out till 5:30.. and it wasn't until 5:30pm that we encountered our first rain. Prior to that was nothing but beautiful White Rim goodness, tacky dirt, shreddy shredness, and so on and so forth. The last 10 miles or so did see us paying our dues with an epic mud-bog double track that threatened to swallow our bikes whole, but instead just stopped all moving parts, like wheels. Luckily we all know a bike mechanic for that lovely post mud fest overhaul, (aim the pressure washer into the bearings)
And we managed to get up and out of mineral bottom the next morning, but not before doing the right thing for the PBR's awaiting us, (stompn 'em in succesion) eating burgers with salad dressing and passing the f out! NOt quite 100 mi but the White Rim in a day no less, and plenty happy happy all around..
Skotty didn't like bikes or anything at the end of the final mud slog, but he just called and said he's in search of a permit for a three day STompR Tour with lots of frisbee golf for sometime in the vicinity of 4.20.2010. . .sickter. . . thanks guys for showing the way, just gotta believe!!
White rim!?@%^^*
Go to for more fun.
Sorry tried to insert link and it failed, unlike us on the Whitest of rims yesterday!! We did not fail, we stomped!!!!!!!!!!!!! niRAD
I found religion. it's a 29er
I saw the water turn to wine right below my hands and feet. The conversion of this pilgrim was very quick. One ride is worth a thousand words, and two rides (on two different full suspension 29ers) is worth two-thousand...uh....dollars actually. Which is roughly what I dropped this week on the 29er that will carry my smiling arse the next ten+ years. I have joined the Chris, Novy and Brian 29er bandwagon by getting a Salsa Big Mama. Thank you gentlemen for showing me the way. My long autumn of test riding bikes came to a lovely end with this new, wonderful toy. I've attached a picture of the new baby. Novy--you'll really love this part. I just happened to be wearing the Greenline Architects jersey while test riding and the guy at the shop asked where I got it. "I got an architect buddy in Carbondale" I said. "Steve Novy?" he asked! Yep, this small world had Adam Williams helping me look at the end-of-season deals at the Golden Bike Shop! Quite a hoot. Adam knows his stuff and is a great guy despite the fact he knows you well. Was nice to be able to buy a bike from him--from his good advice all the way to the "friends of Steve Novy discount" I said I should receive at the end (which I did).
Glad to be about the good ship 29er, captain. Peace. And big wheels.
Oh yeah there was a MEATSTORM
Boulders on Broadway

Chris Reichel is the man. Not as in copz, but as in bein' a stomperrrr. This bici- friendly establishment around the corner from his HQ has the bike parking inside!
Check out his post on DC.
cracked really is swell.. this photo from a bit about the changing climates associated with rising sea levels..
and go those who enjoyed the screening of Craig Kellys' "the Smooth Groove" the other night should go check out the 'throwback thursday' clip on the burton site of Craig and co. riding roofs in canda. super sweet..
Fee nix

Just heard a very inspiring speech by Al Gore... You know, the guy who used to be our next president! He didn't come out and say straight up that stompin Is the answer. But we all know that it is.
Speakin-o-stompin, Headed over to DrunkcyclisChris' place momentarily for some international diplomatic talks and bici ridin. Roller derby pub crawl on Fridee.
This is WHATHAppenS
Don't you have a nice coat?

Not to be too much of a pain, but I heard that most cyclists have some sort of fancy jacket that they covet as an ultimate rain deterrent device. Now, that doesn't mean it will keep you safe from swimming, but certainly a little shower shouldn't hurt... I mean, how muddy can sand get? Anyways, for the somewhat brave at heart, scattered showers should not deter your quest for pain and suffering amongst the canyons of your dreams. And, Sunday? That's the lords day of rest for god's sakes....... But seriously - does it even rain in the desert?
Of course it does, and if so - maybe I could get lucky enough to show you my famous flying boulder tackle knee attack face plant move. It would at least be fun for the rest of you to watch them put in the stitches. Or get a sweet photo of purple blood filled lips. Just a thought.
Blast from the Past
So this guy obviously caught me in St Louis but then he found me on FB the other day, man i had forgot just how amusing seeing yourself was..
KETC | Living St. Louis | Cross-Country Cyclist
Y'all did great, and next year's gonna be even better.
I got some ideas for improved mallet designs, and some new moves... I'd love to get together for a snow polo match some time soon, once we've got a consistent layer of the stuff.
I'm calling it good for this season. Thanks everbuddie!
On Tuesday nights, I'll be skinning up Sunlight, so plan to join in. ( we usually meet at 7:00 at the parking lot)
Long live the Stompaz,
We WILL stomp, and we will not not be confused. Hugz, Sz
MEAT Storm
Trashy Fiction --Stompalicious

OK. In a recent conversation at the Bonedale Bicycle collective, thoughts turned to the Martial Stompa Arts. It was considered and celebrated that this organization has excelleled in the 2d visual, paint and photographic, printmaking, stenciling, metallurgic, architectural, psychological, recently clay, musical and overall woodie arts. Not to mention a great progression in the overall art of the bicycle. But in the pursuance of global rolling artistic domination, there is always the need to venture into other artforms.
Stompas as of yet are void in the areas of Stompaculinary, Stompachoreographic, and Stompafilm, among others. Standing out to me, the English Professor, is the delinquency of Stompaliterature. While the Stompas have developed a rather original grammatical form, aka StOmPaSpeeek-- this has not yet developed into a fullblown literary artform. In other words, we Gots a MEGAphone--but we aint Gots nO PoEmS!
So, as an insufficiant remedy to this situation, I've decided to write some trashy Stompa fiction as part of But I need help. I have a general plot-- but not enough conflict. In otherwords, the Stompas in my story need an evil nemesis. Ideas? Fill in the blank...
"In a nameless mountain town, faced with the monotony of a prescribed American Life, a group of young rollers from a Creative Cycling Collective. Their organization, known as the Stomparilla Brigade, blends a ridiculous zest for life with a passin for human powered transport. In a world faced with dreary personality and environmental collapse, their idea spreads. Stompa chapters are formed from Denver to Dublin to Dubai. But Internal strife threatens the solidarity of the group, when one strnad takes the lawless route while the other takes the peaceful. But then, another more powerful force, the __________, threatens to crush the world-changing movement all together. The Stompas must unite or be destroyed. Even then, they may not be strong enough to overcome the _________."