DearHEYLADYeez would yall'kindly make room on your scheduALL for some STOMPN" SOmeday before we're all dead??? Cuz just in case we're gettin' after it THIS FRIDAY. And We NEED THE LADEEZZSOBAD
cuz we're all thinking and we're all doing and we're all making and every once in a while> ItIS great to get together and think and make do togetherwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo like anything anytimereally
cuz the stompaz r the carbondale creative cycling collective and we're non hierarchical noDUH! and we're not a cult whoever wrote that
soYOYOYOyo, peace and elbow grease. So yeah got the go ahead from Gavin on the STompa Summit taking place at the SAW SHOP , the newest incarnation of Carbondale Creative Colaboration in action, Euclid and 133.
Stompa Summit FIRST Friday 8 p.m.
First Friday is HappenIN’ Arrive by Bike Join the STOMPAZ for the biggest FREE ART opening in CARBONDALE* keep a look out for all the fly rides at all the fine openings on first Friday if you’re feelin’ stompy Join us for a conver-sacion involving the stompaz immediate plans through 20000. The Stompa Summit will adjourn to the SAW SHOP by bicycle, wire donkey, stompcycle, or strollerblade at 8 p.m.
We will be drawing and talking about said plans (anybodyz, everybodyz plans) and who is doing what with whom when and how and stufFFFF WHOOOOwsoooo
Free Art when you make it.
SO look for the stompaz on FIRST FRIDAY and bring it maybe a pencil or something too
Thnkx stmpz
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