On the Eve, oh no wait it is the 2 weeek anniversary of STOMparillaz, pretty rad iknowright??
Anyway it if our goal to act as the Creative Cycling Collective of Carbondale ought act! FASTsucka!
So the STompaSUmmit is gonna COnsider the CAlender, you know, THE FUTURE and how we gonna do it? Obviously the general staff rollin around Stompa HQ has tons of swell ideas for group rides, dance parties, bike building time, collaboration projects comin' out the ears.etc. etc.
And we want Your help getting these ideas off the ground, and onto a bike WHOOwPOWWooo
So the Stompa Summit will commence after First Friday Dec 1st at Stompa HQ around 8 p.m.
Look for the STompaz on First Friday, look for the bikes, ride a bike, raise a ruckus, make somethin'
We'll be there. So BRINGIT whether thats yoself, or yoself and a big old sketch book full of bright ideas of things to do, whatev. Stop by AJAX bikensport if you got aaaany questions... seeya stmpz
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