So we got a good start to the season, with some ball-whackin' in Lyons. Telluride Daily Planet even had an article about the tourney on Sat when we were there.
We had a practice in tha CBD last TuesdY in SoprisssPark. Nice venue, good exposure, nice grass.
So much good polopony momentum that it made me do something stoopid. I asked for permission. I asked the Town of Bike Bonedale if we could have park space on a weekly basis and drink beer. What was I on? Not sure. Of course my request was denied, because bicipolo is scary and beer is even scarier. Officially, they don't want us running over sprinkler heads with our bikes.
Not to worry. There is nothing prohibiting bikes in the parks or anything!
We were looking for a spot near the bike path, so we can commune with our kind...
So, the continually formulating plan is to alternate between CBD and G'wood. This week is G'wood and you'll see why: No open alcohol restrictions on park land. Nirad got the go-ahead from somebody in the know. So here it is: Just below the high school, along the bike path, close to the river... a little field of tiny pony dreamz.
Gentlemen's rules, bring a bike and a mallet if you got'em.
I sure am looking forward to a rolic frolic. Maybe there will be lots of new interested parties in this sexy, fun, exciting new(ish) sport. See ya there.
I sure am looking forward to a rolic frolic. Maybe there will be lots of new interested parties in this sexy, fun, exciting new(ish) sport. See ya there.
...and so there were!
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