Sunday Bloody Sunday
G'Wood BiciPolo

So we got a good start to the season, with some ball-whackin' in Lyons. Telluride Daily Planet even had an article about the tourney on Sat when we were there.
We had a practice in tha CBD last TuesdY in SoprisssPark. Nice venue, good exposure, nice grass.
So much good polopony momentum that it made me do something stoopid. I asked for permission. I asked the Town of Bike Bonedale if we could have park space on a weekly basis and drink beer. What was I on? Not sure. Of course my request was denied, because bicipolo is scary and beer is even scarier. Officially, they don't want us running over sprinkler heads with our bikes.
Not to worry. There is nothing prohibiting bikes in the parks or anything!
We were looking for a spot near the bike path, so we can commune with our kind...
So, the continually formulating plan is to alternate between CBD and G'wood. This week is G'wood and you'll see why: No open alcohol restrictions on park land. Nirad got the go-ahead from somebody in the know. So here it is: Just below the high school, along the bike path, close to the river... a little field of tiny pony dreamz.
Gentlemen's rules, bring a bike and a mallet if you got'em.
A Peecture from YesterYear
Broke it, DAng well snapped it.. my ankle that is, oops, ow..
Yup goin under the knife at altitude next wed in DUHranGO
gonna be ssnice
pss i fell off the back of a real small bici
Yup goin under the knife at altitude next wed in DUHranGO
gonna be ssnice
pss i fell off the back of a real small bici
A real nice day schralpin Telluride with StompaZ and such. .thanks to Hillary for putting us up
Here is your official invitation to hold a STMP summit in the great Northwest! Does anyone dare to think past Durango to a full StompA throw down with the BunnYHawkS in Seattle? Consider the gauntlet tossed. Snorkeys been here, Slappy too.
We'll see all ya'll on the mean streets!
Love my wood friend
StOmp'n StaRTS EeriLY
For everyone that missed....
For all you music lovers that missed the epic show of Pretty Lights at Belly Up (i did see one other stompa there, Mr. Black) there is going to be an even better show going down this summer at Red Rocks. and for $40, i can't see any better way to blow to 20 bills.
Stompa of PAIN!

hi ya'll stompa lovers! deveroe here. so i am looking at going on a little bike ride from point a to point b, also known as glenwood springs to montrose. a short ride of about 122 painful miles up and over the mountains to my parents house i go. why you ask? well i have a very important date in montrose on monday the 23rd at 11am. why by bike you ask? WWWWWWEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLL..... i am now the proud none owner of a CO DL. good and bad for sure. SO! i was curious to find out if anyone would be so inclined in joining me part or in full on my journey in the pain cave. I have had about 10 hours in the saddle so far this year, five of which was playing polo in Lyons. So i figure... why not double that in one day. any takers? OR maybe someone would like to drive me part or all the way so i can find out what is going to happen with my lovely life. give this lonely stompa a holla if you so feel like helping or want more info. 970.209.0854 thank you all kind friends. will trade ride for bike work!!!!
Long waited story
It's up ya'll for anyone that cares to read my write up on from the CO Can Cup check it out here!
Snorky y BRD
if you're chasing on, you can call me and i'll try and answer, drive the bike, and talk, all at the same time..
just in case any one is in the neighborhood
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Brad insists on riding a tandem with me and we crash hard early, Snowmass Rim Trail |
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just in case any one is in the neighborhood

Yup, I am Bruce Willis,,, Kevin Bewersdorf , stmp
So , first off, sorry to everyone else from Illinois who didn't get this shirt, but Kevin Bewersdorf is pretty Much BruceWILLis as far as I'm concerned, and today we had a lovely chat over tea; aand considering I'd slept in that shirt the night before, it seemed only right for him to have a piece of BRuce Willis STOmpa LUV. He says thanks to all the stompaz out there who are in like with Bruce Willis, and of course, the entire catalog, Babes, SlowDudes, and the hottest photography collection ever available for free on the interweb.. as I most certainly am in LUV with the work.. and a thanks to KB for continuing to STOMP in the face of all we're hurtled through on this here planet day after day..
We're real excited to be gettin Kevin off on the right StompA foot, this Sunday, at BByB where we shall introduce KB to his new whip and proceed on the inaugural FastYfierce group ride!
Tomorrow of course, we shall rock the sox off this here town, with the 12WeekOpen Party at BByB, and for those, like Bruce, and Kevin, who won't be able to attend, we'll be glad for your spirits to STOMp with us, and for all the rest, hope to see you there.
hot dang thanks
yeah howtoavoidthebummerlifes' SteviL sure is niice. . so r you. . .esp. the Tiny POLO POnyZ, gosh you guys , sure R nnice, , ,xoxoslpppppy

I think we have the birth of a Mountain States BiciPolo Whackerz Group. Great f'in job, ChainSaw / Passion / Oskar Blues / New Belgium / Rocket Booty.
Stompaz represented in the finest manner... out of 14 regional teams, we got 4th. Big stompa hugz to Diesel Dan/RogerKHotMale/DevonCa$hMonnaie for workin' some magic with the polo mallets.
It was, in short, awesome. SteevZ didn't get totally exhausted until the semi-final, which was played immediately after our 45 minute long quarter final, a grueling match against this team from Ft Collins, "Going Down Swinging." Serious body blows and smack, too. We worked it all out on the field without the help of any impartial arbiters and came back from being down 2-1, winning 4-2. Good game, guys. Can't wait to play the other teams... probably 4 or 5 we never played.
Boulder rocked. They rocked us, fo sho. In fact, Boulder played DGO in the finals. That was a thing of beauty. SnappDragon was in full form. He even did a bikedive for us on the sidelines. Man, I learned a lot about bike ridin' watching that game. Still sore, with multiple lacerations and bruises, and a stoopidhugegrin on my face.
So, it was Durango, Boulder, Salt Lake, Stompaz and then everybody else.
Is everyone up for a mid-May tourney in Bone Town?
I took ZERO PIX. Can't wait to see the stuff Roger and Devon shot...
Pole RIdeN
Just fer the record, we were pretty much ahead of the game on this one, thanks for the follow through...
Pole RiderZ! m
Pole RiderZ! m
Stompaz stompin hard in Lyons CO Can Cup!

Not a bad showing on our part i would have to say. despite having our tired a$$ handed to us in the semi finals, we were there none the less. Diesel Dan showed up to be the saving grace of our fearfull-less team of Stomparillaz. SteveZ, Rogeroger, Diesel and myself Deveroe made our way to the fields where most teams have been playing together for years and had months of practice under their belts. US? shizzz! first game out was my first time playing this year, and i know that went the same for most of us. Through the first round robin we were seated 4th out of 14. DAMN BOYS! we fought hard and strong. We even had to put down some hard hockey skillz on some unrooly boulder/fort collins/durango boys that though just because they were cutting us off that we would stop. SHIT OLD MAN! A hard fought game that went on for hours (as it felt) brought us to the semi finals strong hearted but with tired legs and lungs. Boulder was no joking team. we pretty much got schooled. but upon watching them fight Durango in the finals i felt proud of our performance. As it ended we stood tall in fourth place. the boys among men! Now it's time to get those saddle sore asses our there and play some POLO!
WarmUp FastYfierce
RAw Vid and yer gonna like it! Sweriously, does someone wanna deal with this shit? Not moi, i just wanna STOMP!!!!
Calling ALL stomPAZ!!!
The Gear Exchange needs your help. I know we are the fancy smancy shop like our good friend Hallencrack works in. and no we don't have all the sweet new carbon what-have-yous. What we do have is the best selection of cruisers and USED equipment from here to TIMbuckTOO!
The Gear Exchange is needing help from our fellow stompa friends to man our great shop. Darin and myself, Deveroe, will be traveling a fair amount this coming biking season to the Mountain States Cup races and we need fill in help. No we don't expect you to be a master wheel builder, or know how to rebuild a Shimano 333. All we need is a warm body and smiling face to help KENdoll and his fine young daughter Cody in the shop while us monkeys are out playing. Who knows, you may even learn something! (Education not guaranteed)
The shop is prepared to offer discounts on bikes, parts and services for your help. And you can always count on a sweet sweet colder than warm beer whenever your little heart desires. An occasional lunch is not unheard of either. SO, if this creates even the smallest spark in your little never not stomping heart, please do stop on by, and let's talk over a cold PBR. (We prefer to not answer our phone!)
MSC schedule <>
Rabbit Valley Rally April 17-19
Calk Creek Stampede May 1-3
Chili Challenge May 22-25
Wild Flower Rush June 19-21
UCI MTB Nationals July 16-19
Blast in the Mass August 7-9
Copper Cup August 21-23
Sol Survivor September 4-7
The Fall Classic September 11-13
And DON'T forget to be in Durango September 16-20 for SSWC D9
Blast in the Mass August 7-9
The Gear Exchange is needing help from our fellow stompa friends to man our great shop. Darin and myself, Deveroe, will be traveling a fair amount this coming biking season to the Mountain States Cup races and we need fill in help. No we don't expect you to be a master wheel builder, or know how to rebuild a Shimano 333. All we need is a warm body and smiling face to help KENdoll and his fine young daughter Cody in the shop while us monkeys are out playing. Who knows, you may even learn something! (Education not guaranteed)
The shop is prepared to offer discounts on bikes, parts and services for your help. And you can always count on a sweet sweet colder than warm beer whenever your little heart desires. An occasional lunch is not unheard of either. SO, if this creates even the smallest spark in your little never not stomping heart, please do stop on by, and let's talk over a cold PBR. (We prefer to not answer our phone!)
MSC schedule <>
Rabbit Valley Rally April 17-19
Calk Creek Stampede May 1-3
Chili Challenge May 22-25
Wild Flower Rush June 19-21
UCI MTB Nationals July 16-19
Blast in the Mass August 7-9
Copper Cup August 21-23
Sol Survivor September 4-7
The Fall Classic September 11-13
And DON'T forget to be in Durango September 16-20 for SSWC D9
Blast in the Mass August 7-9
FMC de MarZO oh NinE!

well, well well, as if u didn't really already know, ya know. But alwayz willing to re-HASH....grab your bike, dress pretty or not, fluid intake is good, friendz are even better, big hugz & smiles are required. Safety 3rd my little stOmpaZ. Do your best to bring a radio - we may, just may, have sumthin up our sleeves....
Colorado Can, Cup, Bottle

Almost done with "Martini," the newest Stompa old parts polo pony...
Front end could go down a bit. Maybe use a 26" fork instead of the 29er.
3.0 front tire should strike love into hearts of all, allowing a stompa to SCORE!
New smaller mallet design for #1 ball. Note "chip-shot" side and directional style handle. Light Y fast Y a tiny bit fierce.
Will get another a wash of fluorescence, still?
Tree attacks bike.

I wonder what happened to the cyclist. Probably got attacked by man-eating tree while enjoying a fantastic ride on that gentle path through the forest. Cycle heaved up with man attached. Man's meat and bones devoured by man-eating tree, leading to rapid growth spurt. Cycle, not made of meat, stays stuck in throat of tree, hanging like a trophy, warning all who go by of tree's man-appetite. "stay away" it says, "because men are scoundrel tree-fellers!"
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