life is bright; one hopes you're finding, bright light and so on >> bright lights of the future
circling quickly, too quickly .. The details are not worked out for the ride to telluride for bob dylan july 21st but it looks like a go... Coming soon is RIDE THE ROCKIEEEEZZ, like next week, they ride from somewhere to glenwood on the 20th i thiink and then from g'wood up to aspen on the 21 st, thursday, were i here i'd definatley go roll strong with 2000 peoples, see what they're up too... next week And apparantley the monday night road ride isn't for hammering but people just like turning around, and the remainers just happen to roll kindof sqwiftly, and thursday night single speedin' is probably too hard... and june 30th is the next full moon, that is of course if the last one was june 1st, which may or may not have mattered to the 279 people attending, and june 30th is a Saturday night, so we should probably think about napping, whatev,,,,, rollling strong
thinking about dates for the carbondale2bonedale 200 miler maybe early august?
and a ride proposed by Darryl, drive with stuff to the top of McClure pass and lock mtb bikes to the trees, drive down to the anthracite camp site, set up camp and then ride road bikes back up to the top of McClure pass, swap bikes and mtb back to camp>>> who's in? cool
ANd fixxn' for breakfast is this friday 6:30 a.m. at DOs Gringos, anyone gonna make it? not me, i'll be, hopefully, fixxn' for breakfast in brooklyn..
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