
STompa SummmiT

DearHEYLADYeez would yall'kindly make room on your scheduALL for some STOMPN" SOmeday before we're all dead??? Cuz just in case we're gettin' after it THIS FRIDAY. And We NEED THE LADEEZZSOBAD

cuz we're all thinking and we're all doing and we're all making and every once in a while> ItIS great to get together and think and make do togetherwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo like anything anytimereally

cuz the stompaz r the carbondale creative cycling collective and we're non hierarchical noDUH! and we're not a cult whoever wrote that

soYOYOYOyo, peace and elbow grease. So yeah got the go ahead from Gavin on the STompa Summit taking place at the SAW SHOP , the newest incarnation of Carbondale Creative Colaboration in action, Euclid and 133.

Stompa Summit FIRST Friday 8 p.m.

First Friday is HappenIN’ Arrive by Bike Join the STOMPAZ for the biggest FREE ART opening in CARBONDALE* keep a look out for all the fly rides at all the fine openings on first Friday if you’re feelin’ stompy Join us for a conver-sacion involving the stompaz immediate plans through 20000. The Stompa Summit will adjourn to the SAW SHOP by bicycle, wire donkey, stompcycle, or strollerblade at 8 p.m.

We will be drawing and talking about said plans (anybodyz, everybodyz plans) and who is doing what with whom when and how and stufFFFF WHOOOOwsoooo


Free Art when you make it.

SO look for the stompaz on FIRST FRIDAY and bring it maybe a pencil or something too

Thnkx stmpz


1st Annual Kneez R4 Turkeyz Turkey day Ride

FANtastic, yes indeeedey, as expected the Stomparillaz are on the move. Bound to be a classic, the Thanksgivin' KNeez r4 turkeyz ride>> 9 a.m. rollout perhaps a lil early, the stompaz are still perfecting the ol' timeliness bit.. anyway a delightful cruise up the bike path to emma, bidding goodbye to the roadiez at catherine store. Then some climbing. NO biggie CrazyEyzSTompa was for some reason pushing a 48x16 fixxee w/o any brakes or clips, so no skidding, anyway we haven't seen him since.. The other turkeyz rode with all sorts of gears and brakes and such.
Coming up over dinkle lake without any particular difficulty. The descent on the other hand, was mildly muddy and when Slappy and Roolf decided to hit the singletrack they did so despite seis inches of snow. Nonetheless downhill fixxee snow riding is excelently recomended to any and all stomparillaz... Just lean forward and pretend you're tele skiing whenever you need to skid a corner or anything... see you next turkeyday

Valley JOURNAL wickawicka

WOW, gosh hasn't everyone just had the BEST turkey day ever??? YEah STompaz too, in case you missed the paper, stompaz wuz there... http://www.valley-journal.com/home.php?content=article&article=3148&PHPSESSID=b5a6bba96c0e09aa0e80b77371b9600a

and the hASpeen Daily News featured the Cross Race 2DAY, so that was nice, we'll see how many people wanna race. anyway the word is OUT and the Stmpz are working hard on 'IT'


PAYaaa tension

datesing? after input from some key Stompaz the calender has been specificified see the corresponding postz for more information about each of the next stompaventz. stmpz

11.23.06 TURKEY DAY >> Bike for Turkeyz ride 9 a.m. @ AJAX bring a cross/mtb or a road bike and plan on 1.66666 too 2.223 hours THURSDAY is TURKEYZ DAY

11.26.06 The River Crossn' Bike Race Registration from 8-9 ish at Dos Gringos on SUNDAY morn bring your cross bike and or your MTB and race HWOOOOOOwhooop

12.1.06 STompa SUmmit come to Critique L mass at Sopris Park at 5:30 on FIRST Friday on YOUR BIKEASTOMPAZILLAAZ and or look for the STOMPARILLAZ out and about on first friday and put your bright idea jeaNZ on cuz at 8 we're headed to STompaHQ to figure out what exactley we're gonna do with ourselves for the rest of time. awesome.


DGB no duh

SHout OUt to Nelson and his Gringaz for rockin' out. Stompaz in the house, whooot whoo better be ready for next time, Stompaz Dance Lessons Party, anyone know some dance instructorz of the stompa variety? super call me...


On the Eve, oh no wait it is the 2 weeek anniversary of STOMparillaz, pretty rad iknowright??
Anyway it if our goal to act as the Creative Cycling Collective of Carbondale ought act! FASTsucka!

So the STompaSUmmit is gonna COnsider the CAlender, you know, THE FUTURE and how we gonna do it? Obviously the general staff rollin around Stompa HQ has tons of swell ideas for group rides, dance parties, bike building time, collaboration projects comin' out the ears.etc. etc.

And we want Your help getting these ideas off the ground, and onto a bike WHOOwPOWWooo

So the Stompa Summit will commence after First Friday Dec 1st at Stompa HQ around 8 p.m.

Look for the STompaz on First Friday, look for the bikes, ride a bike, raise a ruckus, make somethin'
We'll be there. So BRINGIT whether thats yoself, or yoself and a big old sketch book full of bright ideas of things to do, whatev. Stop by AJAX bikensport if you got aaaany questions... seeya stmpz

the River Crossn' Bicycle Race

RACEin' is FUN!! Come Race your bike on Sunday the 26th Registration at Dos Gringos Burritos from eight to nineish9 9 a.m. Registration fee of $5 open to creative bribery.
and then we'll roll over the river behind CRMS, (race to take place on CRMS trails along crystal river rd.) anyway we want to limit our car use over there. SO riding from DGB will be, what we call, STOMPAprotocol.

At the venue we will have a racers meeting detailing the fragile nature of the trail system and how to race for the cause....

A race consisting of four4 laps to commence around ten if we're all happy.

B race of three laps after the A racerz

Kids and Cruizerz race of 1 lap completes our mission we will return to DosGbooritos for awards and the like

awesome. stmpz



STOMPARILLAZ would like to invite U to bike for Turkeyz, turkey.

9 a.m. on TURKadurkaDAY we will be departing from the greater Ajax Bikes-DOs GRingosbooritos- land Area. nine a.m. MTBcross Bikes and or ROAD BIKES

so we roll out and maybe we keep drinkin espresso or maybe we have a skid off whatev think of the turkeyz

We're gonna roll up the NEW bike path before it is ELKED off
at some point the roadeez will head up into missouri heights
and the Croatian stompazsquad, viz. mtbcrossBIKES are gonna head up over prince creek hit some jumps maybe and go kill some TURKEYZZZZZ

9 a.m. turkey day AJax see ya stmpz


Mourning Rides

Bright idea jeans; soo as an example, this morning a posse of tres hombres rolled out of 'bonedale at 7, (some by the artifice of the deraileur, others by the strength of their will) fourty minutes later they sat down to huevos rancheros in basalt, rolled out and were back in action at 9.ish sweet. As my pa likes to say, 'you always feel better after a bici ride', and this is doubly true for a morning pre-work ride. What will be even sweeter is when there are 15 breakfast riders cold c0ld rollin' yeeehaa sweet storm


Dos Gringos Movie NIght

Come on down people cuz. what else you gonna be doin' on a friday night? other than straight chillin in a one piece over at Dos Gringos, drinkin' brewsarritos and, as per usual the STOMPArillAZ will be rollin' pre/post whenev no big deal

riden' bikes in ski boots is hard

11.17 6 p.m.

Winta' Full Moon Cruiza ride

12.5.06 wear a one piece sucka
Stomparilla Brigade of 'bonedale UNitE!!