Skid contest down by the river. . bingerHILClIMb starts as a group climb around the BoomVAN, which will be boomin it's way up mill creek road in neutral mobile binger boomer hill climb mode, then up eider... uuuuh trying to envision a final stage where we all end up passed out in a field, probably in a pile like Where the WildThings R, and probably a ROAD stage, it is the PDT afterall

Oh and wherever this STreet STOMper is, it'll be in Telluride for the PDT, raced as one of the fixxee relayz' and the winner will take it home.
BigBong Time Trial
how bout sliing shot flying. you know a big bungee cord two other bikes and someone flying through the air towards the skytramp. just a thought all.
will hammer, u wanna blog permission to post? whats yer gmail? yeah i think bungee biking might work, lots of cliffs round here. . road race will likely involve riding up the gondola and then shredding around mountain village
i seem to think i know where that there stReet SToMpr issss....there's a couple inches of snow on it, i'll keep a close eye on it till then. there may be some polka dots added
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