The syncing of tunes was actually pretty effective. Great ricocheting drum beats.
Besides a newcircuitous route and a cop with the flu, we had a supporter of peace and quiet? throw a snowball at us toward the end! It missed. He almost got out in front of the BoomStracycle to try to stop it, and then had a flash of brilliance.. I think he yelled something about Audio-City... ...or maybe it was "audacity."
Let's figure out how to get input from: Snorky & SnoozerYaYaSlappyJVTDeVeRoe.LeBowsKiStaazee,MEATheadMANimal,GavinROGR@koreanhotmale.sexDieselDan.NIraDKenDollCHrizBSlickCollettealope & The Great White HopEHUmpbikesRth'enemyWhoStino,Will....>

Stompa Summit SummariZed 2/9/oh nine
• Calendar events –
March 7 - Lyons BikePolo Tounrey
April 23rdish Fruita Fat Tire Festival
May 1st – 2nd 18 hours of Fruita – XtrazCycle team & maybe another?
May 11th-15th National Bike Week- will be planning another meeting with the Downings & Tracey Wilson among others to plan a multitude of events, including but not limited to: 1. Hillclimb 2. 1 or 2 block cruiser crit 3. slow bike race w/ multiple divisions – talls, longs, shorts, fixed, etc… 4. bike polo, skidding contests, movie nights, repair clinics & the list goes on.
June-first-ish Spring SlowBoken Tour Brkln to VT w/ Slappy
June 21-27th Bike Tour of Colorado GWS – Crested Butte
July 4th – ‘Merica ride to the top of Indy (indentured) Pass
July 14th-19th Ride the Rockies Glenwood to Aspen leg
July 24th-26th Mountain Fair
Jluy 26th Post Mountain Fair Sunday night Kruizer Ride
Septemberish Tour De Fat in Ft. Collins
Sept 16th-20th SSWC 09 in Durango
Oct 9th – 11th 24 hrs of Moab
• stOmpified organized rides – weekly road rides, monthly critical mass rides, weekly or bi-weekly polo sessions (bi-polor?), additional Cruizer rides – new destination – Gwood?, Waken Bacon Ridez, Valley wide Pub Tour
• StompaParticipation in ALL Bonedale parades - St. Patty’s, 4th of July, Mountain Fair, etc…
• StomPa Outreach Program – Charity event – fundraiser - Trails Maintenance
• Disc Golf ---Gianetti to N. Face
• BoneDale Bike Co-ops - one at CRMS w/ restrictions & another central locale “Sugar Shack” para no restrictions
• StomPa Communication – R` Squared to start up a Stomparillaz FaceBook page w/ direct link to StompaBlog
• Flyering to continue –will increase # of flyers to be distributed Valley wide – AdamCarb has committed to using his students as indentured slaves – will distribute the Stompa calendar / FMC notices
• FULL MOON KRUIZERs – discussed our “mission” which is to get as many riderz out there as possible & gear the ride towards their needz – we’ll ride for ourselves L8Tr. Discussed spending more time riding, less hanging out & a more distinct route. Working with KDNK to get our rides broadcasted & also attempting ipod synching sessions.
• Many other ideas were flying about that night & it may take a little work to reel them in. We will be keeping the lines of communication open! Always keep your mindz spinning & fill us in on ideaz as they sprout.
I was thinking I'll head up the polopony program...
DaaaaNG!! that is wicked, , S_niiiiice
Well Summarized SteeevZ. OOOOh it's happenin! I liked the idea tonight of a bikeway with car lanes on 133. Make it happen will ya?
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