This ain't beef, thhis is PORK
This is out of my league, so i'll let the VID speek fr itself.
That happened. -SlAPPy'z Assistan t
That happened. -SlAPPy'z Assistan t
PoloPOnee ConstruGXion

Necsssity is the muh=ther of invention, which means that there'z some offspring of Poloponee bikez being crafted care of Nirad, Kendoll and of course Devon$. Several worthy candidate bikez, who are ready to serve out another more focused existence on the field have been ID'd as trusty steeds. A coupla six flipflophubz and a fat tire or two, maybe even a foot brake...
Since fixee sans brakez is the purest, most circular form of the sport, we'll make that our standard. ...and we'll flip or flop for major tourneys. The Stompa and Dennis Hopper still shine as the archetypal polo bikez.
G'wood polo nights, when to do'em... Where? Sayre Park?
We gots ta get some more black ABS mallets made. (this stuff does not shatter like PVC) Maybe try the smaller, 1 1/2" dia. and keep 'em lighter.
Bonedale polo barn? Can we play in Sopris Park? I truly believe that we have nothing to hide.... except the beer, smoke, and bikeporn. ...and wouldn't it be better to not be on "school groundz."
Pic-chard here, we got a SZ poloponee named MARtINI. (I don't drink them) Iz an old aluminum frame that was already run as SS, which will "not experience microfractures that could affect the structural integrity of the machine." The thought is: 24" w/ 3.0 DH tire in front with a 9er rigid fork. (just a bit shorter than a 26, and with a smaller reach-around wheel) Probly have some kinda brake in the back.
Get yer clunkerz out and give 'em a big POlo hug. The games are about to begin...

Holy Crap!, all this concern for the Future! Oh jeeez Please! Yesterday constituted the single greatest haul of vinyl for this lil stompA EVA! With timing and preperation being what they are in 'ol BRkLyN sRoundZ and I rolled out of the spot around 6, busted up kent slicin wind like it was no big thing and slid into the n6th lala land in no time. . He went to retrieve Mr. Blur-Pezzimenti's tele/cele from Lovin'CUp and I bolted into Academy records. The first thing that I put a hand on was 'Dead on Arrival - Dedicated in his absence to the nefarious chameleon'. Dropped it on the counter and proceeded to grab 'Get that feeling' Hendrix Plays & Curtis Knight sings', 'Blood Sweat and tears' Johnny Cash featuring the Legend of john henry's Hammer, Gil Scott Heron & Brian jackson '1980', and the incomparable James Brown Live at the Apollo Vol. 2 from 1968. And a $15 tecnics w/o power cord, did i mention Kevin Bewersdorf is moving here tomorrow? All of which slipped real nice in the StompA Sack for the high speed bomb to the shop where all was well. . Many hours later, after being blown away by the Lisa Yuskavage show at zwirner, and being gloriously lucky enough, thanks to the Greater BRN -Ann y Isla connection, to see MMW in the west village.. and listening to JB all the way through / Hendrix, Johnny Cash, and painting the door, passing out and waking up, did I listen to 'Dead on Arrival'
Holy Crap, screw the future! a silly rad compilation from '78 featuring barely a fraction of artists' I've ever heard of and having not one bad track, (I'm on side c and the reggae is goin' off) the star alignment remains silly fresh. Now I've got to get all these babies burned onto CD for STOmpAZ WorldWIDE!!!! See you at PureFood n wine tonight for door hangin' dinner PARTY!!
xoxoxo slappy
p.s. don't worry about Cali- they've been asking for it anyway, Bruce'll probably take care of those silly robots out of the goodness of his own heart. .
PPS until I get to spin this stuff for Ya! Be WelL!
PPPPS we may or may not be lining up a Vinyl spinning session tuesday night at the Five Spot Soul Food Restaraunt! on MrtyLe. . Tuesday night next. . details on the way. . m
Arnold was right all along
Scandinanvian Half Breeds
Well, what a pleasure was had watching these guys play last night, sheesh! Pete 'The Blur" Pezzimenti is one of my Main Men spinnin' wrenches at the shop, and I almost ended up at an MMW show last night; instead watched a young posse, with their elder Drummer celebrating his birthday as of midnight, and was quite simply smitten by their musique. .They're signed up to play the BROoklynBIKEyB 12 Week Open Party on MArch 12th. somewhere 'round there. . m
Hay there all ya'll great and glorious STOMpRZ, , it seems like the time is now in ol broooklyn, for some stompn to get stompD and for that I am eternally grateful.
In the words of Mr. James Brown, remarked during his August 1968 show at the Apollo about NYC, "I come here to DO Buisness, you hear what I mean?"
And So since I've had the pleasure of meeting not one, but two, fine young STomPAZ, in the form of Coleen and Eva, both of whom have recently come into possession of red racing cycles, one a 1984 ish Treck 330, and the other a more recent Specialized Allez al. And They look fast! And they wanna STomP it appears. .
So the idea for a Ladies Racing Squad out of the shop was born. . .ooh about 5 hours ago. Scott Rounds,
(name in t it should be noted, added the ingredient I was looking for, Fierce, after FastY had been tagged on our drawing wall. Wicked..(( Cuz Scott is from VT and he is MAin Man Bringin IT On the POLOPOnY Squad, as in, we've made two mallets out of the stock he was holdin, and one of his was custom made by a friend of his in Burlington, who happened to have just prototyped it at burton. NBD And he crashed into me over the bars HARD last night at the front of the Times UP Love your Lane ride. . Wicked
and so yeah, we gots another local incarnation of STOMPN
The FastYfierce Bike SQuad
Anyway INquires invited at among other things, the shop, and the interweb brand new blog, holy crap i'm going computerblind. .
GOOD THING KEVIN BEWERSDORF IS ON THE TEAM!!! or at least I hope so, he has released a new song, and is moving to nyc tomorrow or something. The first explanation on Stomparillaz Whip creation will be a bike for Kevin. . WHoooOP!
I ought to beddy bye now, big day at the ol shop tomorrow. . .

xoxox slapppy
In the words of Mr. James Brown, remarked during his August 1968 show at the Apollo about NYC, "I come here to DO Buisness, you hear what I mean?"
And So since I've had the pleasure of meeting not one, but two, fine young STomPAZ, in the form of Coleen and Eva, both of whom have recently come into possession of red racing cycles, one a 1984 ish Treck 330, and the other a more recent Specialized Allez al. And They look fast! And they wanna STomP it appears. .
So the idea for a Ladies Racing Squad out of the shop was born. . .ooh about 5 hours ago. Scott Rounds,
(name in t it should be noted, added the ingredient I was looking for, Fierce, after FastY had been tagged on our drawing wall. Wicked..(( Cuz Scott is from VT and he is MAin Man Bringin IT On the POLOPOnY Squad, as in, we've made two mallets out of the stock he was holdin, and one of his was custom made by a friend of his in Burlington, who happened to have just prototyped it at burton. NBD And he crashed into me over the bars HARD last night at the front of the Times UP Love your Lane ride. . Wicked
and so yeah, we gots another local incarnation of STOMPN
The FastYfierce Bike SQuad
Anyway INquires invited at among other things, the shop, and the interweb brand new blog, holy crap i'm going computerblind. .
GOOD THING KEVIN BEWERSDORF IS ON THE TEAM!!! or at least I hope so, he has released a new song, and is moving to nyc tomorrow or something. The first explanation on Stomparillaz Whip creation will be a bike for Kevin. . WHoooOP!
I ought to beddy bye now, big day at the ol shop tomorrow. . .

xoxox slapppy
Stompa Sum It Up

The syncing of tunes was actually pretty effective. Great ricocheting drum beats.
Besides a newcircuitous route and a cop with the flu, we had a supporter of peace and quiet? throw a snowball at us toward the end! It missed. He almost got out in front of the BoomStracycle to try to stop it, and then had a flash of brilliance.. I think he yelled something about Audio-City... ...or maybe it was "audacity."
Let's figure out how to get input from: Snorky & SnoozerYaYaSlappyJVTDeVeRoe.LeBowsKiStaazee,MEATheadMANimal,GavinROGR@koreanhotmale.sexDieselDan.NIraDKenDollCHrizBSlickCollettealope & The Great White HopEHUmpbikesRth'enemyWhoStino,Will....>

Stompa Summit SummariZed 2/9/oh nine
• Calendar events –
March 7 - Lyons BikePolo Tounrey
April 23rdish Fruita Fat Tire Festival
May 1st – 2nd 18 hours of Fruita – XtrazCycle team & maybe another?
May 11th-15th National Bike Week- will be planning another meeting with the Downings & Tracey Wilson among others to plan a multitude of events, including but not limited to: 1. Hillclimb 2. 1 or 2 block cruiser crit 3. slow bike race w/ multiple divisions – talls, longs, shorts, fixed, etc… 4. bike polo, skidding contests, movie nights, repair clinics & the list goes on.
June-first-ish Spring SlowBoken Tour Brkln to VT w/ Slappy
June 21-27th Bike Tour of Colorado GWS – Crested Butte
July 4th – ‘Merica ride to the top of Indy (indentured) Pass
July 14th-19th Ride the Rockies Glenwood to Aspen leg
July 24th-26th Mountain Fair
Jluy 26th Post Mountain Fair Sunday night Kruizer Ride
Septemberish Tour De Fat in Ft. Collins
Sept 16th-20th SSWC 09 in Durango
Oct 9th – 11th 24 hrs of Moab
• stOmpified organized rides – weekly road rides, monthly critical mass rides, weekly or bi-weekly polo sessions (bi-polor?), additional Cruizer rides – new destination – Gwood?, Waken Bacon Ridez, Valley wide Pub Tour
• StompaParticipation in ALL Bonedale parades - St. Patty’s, 4th of July, Mountain Fair, etc…
• StomPa Outreach Program – Charity event – fundraiser - Trails Maintenance
• Disc Golf ---Gianetti to N. Face
• BoneDale Bike Co-ops - one at CRMS w/ restrictions & another central locale “Sugar Shack” para no restrictions
• StomPa Communication – R` Squared to start up a Stomparillaz FaceBook page w/ direct link to StompaBlog
• Flyering to continue –will increase # of flyers to be distributed Valley wide – AdamCarb has committed to using his students as indentured slaves – will distribute the Stompa calendar / FMC notices
• FULL MOON KRUIZERs – discussed our “mission” which is to get as many riderz out there as possible & gear the ride towards their needz – we’ll ride for ourselves L8Tr. Discussed spending more time riding, less hanging out & a more distinct route. Working with KDNK to get our rides broadcasted & also attempting ipod synching sessions.
• Many other ideas were flying about that night & it may take a little work to reel them in. We will be keeping the lines of communication open! Always keep your mindz spinning & fill us in on ideaz as they sprout.
I was thinking I'll head up the polopony program...

Thanks MOM! For really tyin the room together.. If anyone really wants a sweet rug they really probably oughta talk to my MoM!

Ivin may be the only one ever with a super sweet sharpener And a super sweet mustache who sharpens 5 ways..

The Major Whitey A.K.A the Big Horn, with no more 52 teeth but a custom pant leg / chainring guard for Hank to not snag his pants upon.. (Don't worry Al shavings are great to have in the chain!
Dana and Carbon PRTY
Dana and Carbon, painting show plus rockin' out this fri-sat at atat "Paris London New York West Nile (PLNYWN) is excited to present a weekend of artwork by Dana Bell and MV Carbon on Friday, February 13th and Saturday, February 14th, 2009. PLNYWN artists in residence Dana Bell and MV Carbon will hang a Salon Style two person show of their new series of paintings. The alternative multi-media venue West Nile will showcase the work of these artists for only two days in their own habitat on the historical weekend of both Freaky Friday and Valentines Day, and will be celebrated by two nights of special guest musicians. All events are free and open to the public, donations are accepted.""""
don't tell no one, but i'm bringin' the super secret green ear plugs juuust in case. . xoxoxslppy
don't tell no one, but i'm bringin' the super secret green ear plugs juuust in case. . xoxoxslppy
BUnnyHawks help each other

Aand StomPErZ too, one and all. . yup Captain BunnyHawk a.k.a Justin of the formerly bonedale based twosome from Seattle. . .Anna and Justin. . . . well he's got a reeal nice blog now . . .chckacheckIT

Polo anyone???
Yo fellas
Anyway, we have picked a date for the Great Mountain States Grass Polo
Tourney on March 7th in Lyons, Colorado. Hosted by Oskar Blues Brewery.
Takes place on Saturday. Teams of 3 will round robin in the morning with the
playoffs in the afternoon. Announcer for the playoffs, post tourney meal and
party afterwards. We play simple rules of no dabbing, no bike on bike
defense, and a gentleman's approach in general. Let me know if you can get a
couple teams together and spread the word. I will post more info in 1 week
on www.sswc09.wordpress.com.
-Thanks for the info Cheeney. i'm sure a crew of stompaz will make our way to the field. say word!
Anyway, we have picked a date for the Great Mountain States Grass Polo
Tourney on March 7th in Lyons, Colorado. Hosted by Oskar Blues Brewery.
Takes place on Saturday. Teams of 3 will round robin in the morning with the
playoffs in the afternoon. Announcer for the playoffs, post tourney meal and
party afterwards. We play simple rules of no dabbing, no bike on bike
defense, and a gentleman's approach in general. Let me know if you can get a
couple teams together and spread the word. I will post more info in 1 week
on www.sswc09.wordpress.com.
-Thanks for the info Cheeney. i'm sure a crew of stompaz will make our way to the field. say word!

Well BikeSnooby didn't quite see to my being champion of his contest, but nonetheless, my pic was for stompariLLAZ worldwide. . .
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