Hello hello! I though it pertinent to cut and paste the update to all ya'll, stat!.. The SLowBoken tour has been completed. YEEaHA!!
Yesterday was the longest day of the tour; I lit out from Philadelphia at 9 or so and just made the George Washington bridge by midnight when they lock the bike path (?!). It dumped rain all day long, and I got fairly lost around Newark, which surely helped to bump the days mileage past 110. None the less I was pretty stoked to be pumped all day long, and determined early on that I was going for it, two days earlier I had come to the same conclusion, stompn' out a century to arrive in Philly at midnight. Needless to say I was happy as could be, warm and wet and STomPN!
My theory that traffic is lesser at night proved to be true, but having to ride on some pretty big fast roads negated night benefit to some degree and it demanded quite a bit of karma as well. Aand the pre full moon was decidedly not bright. My main man Ivin was true to his word and towed me in. He rode over to Jersey and dragged me up the final painful climb of the palisades to catch the bridge before the witching hour. Not to mention leading the next hour through Manhattan and Brooklyn towards the cold beer.
I'm happy to say I pedaled every inch from Seattle to Brooklyn on the ol' John Wayne Pain Train and suffered no significant setbacks. 3 months and 5 days of sweeet stompn' will undoubtedly take a while to set in, but suffice it to say, I'm deeply grateful for the opportunity and the support for the SlowBoken tour; and the life changing aspects could not be overstated. I would certainly recommended a big 'ol tour to anyone with the chance.
Lots of swell folks along the way and I'm indebted to all those who helped me from afar. I stayed indoors with people approximately once per state and which also happened to be my shower rate HA!
Brooklyn is looking good, with plenty of blue sky, . And for the next moment or two, I'll be maxn' and relaxn'!
well i'll be STomPed. U the man.
Can u possibly estimate how many donuts it took to get u 'cross this here grand 'Merica?
Well done Max.
From the British couple you met in Idaho doing the Trans Am on a tandem,we got our camera back in the end.We finished up in Georgia,it took us 80 days in all to get to the Atlantic.
Wish you all the best for the future.Hope to see you out on the road sometime.
Alan & Wendy.
Yeah, how many comfortable poops did you have?
Glad you made it. Did you get a couch to surf in Marietta? Hey, you're s'posed to link to www.getoutzine.com - could link to Attila's Warm Showers story: http://www.getoutzine.com/node/450
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