
Stompa Radio

and once again Stompa radio on KDNK sunday night 1.28.07 8-10 p.m.
streamin' world wide www.kdnk.org


Anonymous said...

Is this a bike riding club? or what? What does it take to be in it? What do you guys do, anyway? Who's in charge? is it just a Max Cooper thing, or do other people plan stuff? I just heard about it, but info is cloudy?

Anonymous said...

I agree this is outrageous, do you have to think and act just like max to be invlolved because that is just ridiculous, can't we just have a bike and not participate and say we are Stomping? I stomp in the office! or isnt that good enough for those of you whose office is a stomping ground? Id rather not stomp if thats the case, Im glad to see so much time is put into the obscure photoshop work but how bout some cold hard info? is this just a club, or is stuff getting accomplaished?

Slappy said...

yeah how about you go stomp with at the 24 hours of sunlight? That's this coming weekend and the Gear exchange is going to be working the neutral support angle. Those Stomparillaz who are so inclined will be there to support the 24 hours of Sunlight, (Granny Gear Productions) the Gear Exchange and anyone else. There has never been any question that the various stompaz around the world will be able to organize and attend as vastly fluctuating number of events.
For example how much cross over attendance will there be on the weekend of feb 9-10-11?
Adam's engagment party, Phat Thai Stompaz Valentine Card making party, River Crossn' bike race. Max will be at all of them with as many other Stompaz as possible. How about you?

Slappy said...

As for the who's in charge, the core stompaz, those who think about it and talk about it and do it the most, know who they are and know that the more work they can do now the more action they'll be able to instigate come summer when the contention about a 'bike riding club' will be lost on all those who crawl out of their garage with their bikes and realize that it doesn't matter what it is if they're riding. to date those stompaz who are most involved are the ones who have conceptualized stompn' for themselves and been able to think about what they do in another way.
we will not not stomp
as for what things are getting accomplished, as hopefully you've heard there will be a couple of upcoming events and opportunities for stompn' see you there i suppose
then they'l b 'complished