Well of course. Stomp what you can when you can where you can. If stomping is a decisive act regarding your office bound work, like riding your bike there, then you've stomped. If stomping is learning something new outside of the normal 'learn something new time' so be it. If you're stompn' without bikes then the stompaz would surely be interested because to date, we haven't found anything else quite so sweet. We will not not stomp is vague because if one has any interest in stomping they need to determine what it means for themselves. There will be organized Stomparillaz events as a manifestation of the 'We will not not stomp' policy. But the point is, do you want to stomp? do you want to be a stomparillaz? awesome Well then do it. Show up, don't show up, ride a bike, ride a donkey, be creative, be conscious, stomp it. Stomp something stupid out of your life tomorrow. It's not easy, then again, no one ever said you know it's just stompn' no big deal
ok ok lil buggy, I guess the main bullet point is> stompin is what you stomp it to be? ok ok so this upcoming event weekend 91011? is there gonna be any bootyshakin and alternative seasonal appropriate events? i dont want to draw from the numbers of your mid-winter bike races participant and support base, but could i propose a saturday the 10er mornin mountain stomp? say whoa-mass mini park shred? ok ok
So I feel the need to excentuate the attitude that you don't need to be "Rad" to be Stompin'. Its like " Hi my name is _________ and I like to _________ and I'm so for real with this that some times I think I'm going crazy!"
Like if your thing tonight is a perfect 80s ensamble complete with yellow tights and red high heels (teal leg warmers?) ands you just cant stand not stopin it all over town perhaps, just perhaps, you might be stompin by default. (a small example to ponder)
Being a Stompa is like getting christmas every day. Because you can choose to to direct a limitless supply of energy to any thing (doodling, dancing, digesting). The bicycle is the emblem because it is self powered, open to the world, DIY, practicaly free in many cases, andjust frickin FUN!!! (even in winter, you go skiing don't you?)
To be a Stompa you don't have to be like anyone or anybody in fact we would all prefer you to to be so much like you it makes us all do that crazy "I'm crying so hard because I'm just so happy" thing you see new moms do in the maternity ward.
If you see a Stompa Flyr with an event listed (especialy the parties) You should take it as a serious invitation (chalenge) to be all you can be and SHOW UP FOR SOME good old F. U. N. We love you already... why not introduce yourself.
Hello My name is Wompin, and I think Stompin is cool, so cool I started doing it at birth. Didn't know it had a name or anything. Can You guys let me know when Stompin is around my area? I live in a small mountain town located in Colorado. How can I keep up-to date with current stompin activities? I would really like to know...
CURRENT ACTIVITIES are Pretty Flippin COnstant, what do you think about the potential of Stomp Posts being sent out via email ( a feature of the blog) so that the events will be not not known to the general public? Good idea? Bad idea?? Obviously anyone who didn't want in could call out but that would get the word out pretty solid like...
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