So for the record, Melissa doesn't have an Xtra cycle of her own
but she lacks nothing on the STompN front and we left Emilys' Xtra partially assembled by the cars.
Melissa had already decided to burn less diesel by joining us for the weekend instead of driving to San Fran for a swapmeet. Then she decided she could burn a lil more by driving back and forth from T-ride a couple times before heading out on her inaugural xtra-packing tour. Well we left her a trail of Coors cans and she grabbed ahold of that Xtra and dragged it across three river crossings in the dark before stumbling upon our first camp at 1 in the morning. We had spent the evening walking back and forth across each river crossing endlessly with about 5 people carrying each bike.
She then proceeded to unpack her costume collection and act as our camp counselor, rolling cigarettes and jumping in the water naked.. pretty much setting and Xample all weekend long.
INcluding a strangley accurate shot from across the river with Dooms' .22 through the LUVsafety cross on my helmet which was waiting in vain outside our camp for Scotty2Hottys' hoped for arrival.

Aanyway, the bullet is still in the helmet, the weekend is still feeling fuzzy, and the snow is falling in telluride.. thanks M, 'twas swell
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