What I want for Christmas is 10% of Carbondale (about 600) on the moonlight cruise in June/ July. Happy people, small people, old people, normal people and wretched people. All of them cruising (more than standing around) in fine merriment and making animal noises.
With the Stompas, like sheep dogs, keeping them together and riding and feeling safe and happy.
Lights and sounds galore. The sound bike needs radio, so we can play (take over) KDNK -- or we could share a playlist and start it in simultaneity. So I want one of these, and you should too. (notice aux input and Mic. Jack)
dude! check out prettylightsmusic.com they are pretty much the best thing going for a FMC ride
dude! check out prettylightsmusic.com they are pretty much the best thing going for a FMC ride
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