Four O July impendencE plaNNIN'!! Please get ahold of me with bright ideas and stuff that i'm missing, we want everyone to STomP Happy for four0july, so yeha yeah thnx! slappppy
Load your Stompa Pass party gear, (snOboardz, rollrbladz, leisure wear, water, beerdogs, steak etc..)
at Polo or HQ on Thursday eve, POLO at 7 pm at the CES middle school, maybe BRad Can bring his truck. . Or at barber drive and city mrkt bike land after way after dark
At GEar X Friday MOrn
IN Devonz truck which will find it's way up from the GEar X to the top with lots of gooodieZ!!
or at DOs GRingoz . .
iN Bradz TRuck From DOs Gringoz which will do so as welll!
FriDAy MORnin - >> Time is but a number, or a butt number . .. << timeline
Leave GEARx in G’wood ‘round 6 am - This is of course pertinent to some of yer favorite stomprz, Darin, MikeyG, and Devon, and whoever els wanting to do a 130 mi day would do well to confirm Glenwood departure place and time and such, if you're so inclined, via the Gear Xchange tele booth - 945-8500
Leave Dos GRingoz in
bonedale round 7 am - and given the immaculate time keeping capacities of certain said stmparilllaz, that number is carved in stoned SEVEN A.M bonedale ROLLLOUT, cold slow rollin'. . i mean there really is nothing more luxurious, (for a stompa), than a 2 hour bike path stroll to warm up for the century climb wHOOOOHOWWWOOWhoo.. . aaaaanyway
get to the INdy Pass gate round 10
Get to the top of ze pass sometime after Noon!!
Coook dogs, drink liquidz, Shred GNAR!!!
Depart the top
round 2 or 3 or when the lightning says. . 4 o JUlY!!!!!
stoked 2b pumped, xoxo slappy