As Irrefutable Evidence we present the Official Neew Joisey Dezine-

...and a big pink teddy bear hug for our sponsors:
Stomparillaz (duh)
Green Line Architects
Waterfall Studio
StompaRadio - KDNK
SCoR1 for the Stompaz
Sol Energy
Fenton Construction
Downvalley Trash - DVT!
Chris "So-Lo oH-No" Beebe
TownCenter Booksellers
Airmada Smart Homes
SGM Engineering
Ajax Bike & Sport
Golden Bike Shop
Damon J. Wallick, BMF
Rainy Day Designs
The one and only Gear Exchange
DJ TriceraHops
JVT Enterprisez
Dos Gringos Burritos
1 comment:
Damon J. Wallick. BMF indeed...
He and i once agreed....
Yes starts with a "J"
go on and say it,
say it slow from your baritone
and up through the tenor
and right back down to your bass....
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