SOOOO herez the THING< GOlly gOSh GEE isn"T LIFe SWeeeelllll? First OFf, Will and JON are juusstst sooooo DREAMy.. POlitiCAl ARt doesn"t Escape the factoidaloid that the PErSonAL IS PoLiticaAL and the POlitiCAL IS PErSONAL and the personalpolitical is pretty dammn funnny!!! *%
AaaaND SPECiAlIzeD came out with a 29r fulllsusssr so i've heard, well that legitimizes it, WHATEv!1 BUt what DOes is that MIKE SinYARd is riding from cali to vegas 4 interbike...on a DOUBLE Decka' TherEz a StUMpy 29r full sus on the bottom, (the couch where he sleeps) and a Specialized racin' trmac on the top! *?
and. DEEERHOOOFF, you bettr not mISSS it, cuz they ROCK , you know LIKe WIth ROCKZ?! and since they' haven't given away nothin' free 4 too long on there web site they're given away a 'album' n itz sweeeeet get it soon 4 itz gone!! *^
researchabitez.. *% http://www.bladesofglorymovie.com/home.html
(P.S>> you can also print the full res vs. from the website o' me, it's preetty much a christmas card>> http://www.max-cooper.com/gallery/main.html
*? http://www.specialized.com/bc/SBCBkModel.jsp?spid=33437
*^ http://deerhoof.killrockstars.com/
ohyeah PPPPPPP.s aand the PDT was perty sweeeet
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