First Groundhog Friday Full MOoon Cruizer RIDE is THIS FRIDAY!!! YAY! Anyway the stompaz will be there, ( and for further clarification, anyone who's there would hopefully want to be stompn', be a stompa, whatev) There are of course a number of things going on.
Ideally Nelson will be playing 'Groundhogs Day' all day long at Dos Gringos Burritos. (it's really groundhogs day even though its cold and it's colorado so who carez really? other than about bill murray?)
And then it's First Friday February 2nd so CCAH will be, as usual , instigating the gallery walk action. And for the record, true blue Stompaz will hardly refrain from the free food/art aspect, quite to the contrary, We WIll NOT NOT Stomp. ok
AndAAND IN a positive turn of events the STompaz proposed and passed a propoganda program to change winter FULLMOON CRuizer Rides Start Times from 9 p.m. to 8 p.m.
>cuz it's cold and dark< SO anyway we'll be meeting @ Sopris park @ 8 p.m. more or less on the tail end of first friday gallery hours... aaaanyway
From there we have once again (the Stompaz), proposed and passed, a.) a microphone b.) and it's being put to use as the arbitrater of the game REDlightGREEN Light.
So if anyone is interested, listen for REDlight greenLIGHT! you know stop
go of course the contingent riding fixxed gear bicycle with their superior track standing skills will be playing each other but it's gonna be sweeet and I can tell you right now that come summer Sue (age 84 tricycle rider) will dominate the whole slow race/red light green light thing, so we need to practice while Sue quite reasonably spends here full moon evenings warm and comfortable in Carbondale..... unlike some STMPZ !
SO come on out Stompn' is F.U.N.