Trash talken Social Democrat Prez Obama aint afraid to talk some shit with his stoney grin. I personally dont know crap about our new health care overhaul bill, but i do know it attempts to cover sick people and attempts not to start any homophobic gunbattles in space. This isn't 'Nam Karl Romney, there are rules. Welcome to earth.
P.s. I think the guy in the back has a crush on the goofy girl in the front. They should exchange information...could be good.
P.P.S. "Do you guys have any copies of THe Communist Manifesto?....I just need to ... never mind."
"I'll just grab a copy of David Byrne's "UH oh," and some gum..do you have gum...or cigarettes. ...Ill just take the cigarettes....... thanks."
PPPS. I bet that Obama only pretends to smoke cigarettes for the votes.....Oh no you dinint!
you sly dog. Can we just call him slick willy too?
Slick Barakeee?
Schtick to the Broccoli?
Obama wan Kanobe
Kobe Von Ginobli?
I caught a bat once. No I didn't.
good thiing stompaz are on team do more with less
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