Epic SnowtimeZ in Tellyride. Biggest whompn snow storm this season by a long shot, still dumpin' actually. And skiing with some of bestest palZ, like Ivin, lovin life at 12'300 with his BRklyn lungZ, and Melissa whose birthday was in full swing, I broke my tele binding on gold hill. As usual it turned out to be a nice opportunity to demonstrate the various ways to crash, then it turned into a full on one legged stompatron and slayed some POW en route to a repair. Thanks to Marco who lent me his skis so i could stomp back to the house real quick to get my spare cable, while he took care of bizness at Giuseppez. Long story short, I ended up being faster on one leg than two, and it was my formerly broken one i was skiing on, so i guess it's good to go.. whooHOOO
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