gRRRRrrrR, preparation and timing certainly do have a way about coming together, or something.. WheW, just in time.. . . thanks to Justin the coffee has just begun to course through my veins and the future again starts to look bright, so bright i gots to wear shades. . SO far the adventurous stompaventure has been decidely fantastical at all points, perhaps a reverse rundown, no? Last night Justin-bunnyhawk-Howell was invited to a Dead Babyz bike ride, which we happily obliged, only to find yet another bike club where preperation and timing are more or less null and void. Which is coool, that's cool. We kicked it around the bars with them and rode their tall bikes and swing bikes, and pretty much raced through the middle of them at a hundred the couple times they rode down the hill. Apparantley Justin takes back any thoughts he may have had about trying to trade in his Stomparillaz AARP membership for a DeadBaby patch to put on his back. . SO for my third-ish and last night in Seattle we pretty much tied one on unknowingly and now i'm ready to start riding bikes i guess, with the most squelchy hangover thus far on the adventursome adventure. thanks for the cofffeee. . . bunnyhawk, did I mention that Justin gots a stompame like it or not? yup he's the BUnny HAWk, amde out of 50% BearMEAT 30% BUnny meat, and 30% HAWk MEat, that's what he says, I can't argue.
Continuing back into the past, a little bit of stompluv was injected, or should i say vaporized into the world the otherish night by the BUNnyHAwk. We enjoyed quite a time at the Burlesque show where my pal JamesRz' lady was a fire breathing star. Shortly thereafter while waiting for some debriefed late night burgers a very rustily chained bicycle rolled up and I offered him some chain lube while the BUnnyHAwk insisted on a mullet paint job on his bike. WHich was nice I guess, although a friendly frosted tipped bystander insited that the Hawkz' painting style was too splotchy and he proceeded to operate the rattle can which was nice
Seattle was also the location in where the Barbalope residez and Bhawk is knee deep in a painting trade; he got the paintings, Barb is getting carpentry action. . So we rolled over to barbz cabin and worked some new walls into being. .well they did while I heckled, and tried to spray paint on the B:HAwkz back..
And Then at about 1 or so in the morning the bike did some spend some time cold kickin' it in the pacific ocean, and then
we went in search of donuts where I was able to dumpster dive for my first significant donut haul to date and pretty much sew up any concerns and cold feet associated with the momentarily impending journey. . . And thanks to one and All in Seattle, what a grand spot to bike a bike a tour from. . .
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