"Sure stopped me in my trax, this particular smear did. As the resemblance, in perspective, to a stompa skull seemed a bit strange. And while the love safety emblem has always been understood the skull is perhas a missive on what the flip side may hold. For whatever got smeared probably would have prefered a little more lovin' safety."
"The road is speaking to us, saying, "Don't Fuck with ME."
Severiously, though, the message is fairly clear.... the flip side is always right in front of us, and we rarely consider how quickly we could be commun icating via a roadkill grafikz. (To the stompamasses: Let me know immediately if stuff you draw ends up on the highway with heart-shaped teeth...)"
1 comment:
this may be more than i can handle right now.... can we just go back to the tinY pony picture & lemme answer slappy's question? THAT i can handle.... skullZ bunnyZ blood hEartz - therez a lot of dead thingz on the road here in FloRIIIIda - i can see somthing in just 'bout every one..........really, i just LOVE SAFETY & other stuff (MySlap, can u design me a lovesKull armadillo?)
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