Whooooooeeeee ha, well the art bike auction is over so you can all breathe a sigh of relief, no more nights spent sleeping in the back of the Gear EXchange, no more frantic welding.... NOT!!!! no way, the art bike auction is over and what does that mean? that now we build more art bikes for the government and we donts' gots' to worry about supporting local radio and stufff.. whatev.. now we build government tall bikes with extra stompn' skillllz, yup keep your eyes open and your options available cuz we plan on the back of the gear X hosting a lot more productive production in the -always-and-forever- so GET INVolVEd!!! Above Scoooba STeveZ finally gets the revenge he's desired.. and I head towards a blown croc and the steely resolve that kept me on top of that flippindiculous tall bike until well into the mornin'.. thanks to every last one of ya'll who made an appearance, rode a bike, jousted, placed a bid in the auction, didn't call the cops, stomped for the good of humanz worldwide... etc. etc. look for more art bike auction documentation on the way..
the full moon is at 4 in the morning on monday night/tuesday mornin' and so it seems only reasonable to have a bevy of fmC rides, monday and tuesday night.. oooooh are you tired? wanna go to sleeep? TOO BAD!! You"LLLL SLEPEPEEEP WHEN Yer DEAD!!!!
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