SO yeah, we been in the pain cave for the last 40 hours or so.. and it's been cool i guess... Whitey and mcMc departed Edinburgh without a real particular sense of direction but managed to make it to the appropriate state forest (ha) where we crashed last night.. and then waking this morning to the understanding that we had, maybe 65 miles to go, and that we needed to make it in time for the comp to determine next years host at, maybe 15:00? Well we spent the day in the pain cave, whitey with his 40 - 16 touring set up and me with two kneez that make alot of real sad sounds, a true highlands headwind to the top of the pass, and aaanyway we're here.... and Whitey is off for round three so that we can be in the proper frame of mind to figure out where we're gonna stay tonight.. so that we can get back to drinking... oh yeah the best newz of all, that the race isn't tomorrow and the hosting comp isn#t tonight, hoooray anyway we're here after about 10 hours on the bike today touring sure is cool, on motorcycles... peas
Loooook OUT!!
HiYO!, stmpz, WHItey and mcMc well fed, well rested, and marginally prepared, (overly packed), are this very moment, rollin out of edinburgh on our way to aviemore, perhaps even with the chance to make it.. whooopPWHOPPPP
Art bike shenaniganz
The art bike auction, obviously a success, except well, you know how do you get the money again? no se.. anyway Tino was there, so that was nice.. and stevZ blew my croc apart with a rigorous blow.. byhe se eyou lata skata

Whooooooeeeee ha, well the art bike auction is over so you can all breathe a sigh of relief, no more nights spent sleeping in the back of the Gear EXchange, no more frantic welding.... NOT!!!! no way, the art bike auction is over and what does that mean? that now we build more art bikes for the government and we donts' gots' to worry about supporting local radio and stufff.. whatev.. now we build government tall bikes with extra stompn' skillllz, yup keep your eyes open and your options available cuz we plan on the back of the gear X hosting a lot more productive production in the -always-and-forever- so GET INVolVEd!!! Above Scoooba STeveZ finally gets the revenge he's desired.. and I head towards a blown croc and the steely resolve that kept me on top of that flippindiculous tall bike until well into the mornin'.. thanks to every last one of ya'll who made an appearance, rode a bike, jousted, placed a bid in the auction, didn't call the cops, stomped for the good of humanz worldwide... etc. etc. look for more art bike auction documentation on the way..
the full moon is at 4 in the morning on monday night/tuesday mornin' and so it seems only reasonable to have a bevy of fmC rides, monday and tuesday night.. oooooh are you tired? wanna go to sleeep? TOO BAD!! You"LLLL SLEPEPEEEP WHEN Yer DEAD!!!!

So instead of continuing my search for housing in Boulder I ended up pledging for the Alpha Beta Yolanda fraternity. Things got a little hairy when I proved mathematically that half of the Brothers were actually quite gay. From the afterlife you are granted liberties for good behavior such as "Mystical" Blog entries. See you guys in Hell!
Pro Doper Training

It seems that little Malcolm is hard at work training for the Doper Event - 2007. Here he can be seen bulking up for the obvious advantage of critical mass. Doping doesn't come easy, he spends several hours at his favorite locale, getting in prime shape for the events to come. So to all you little stompaz to be out there- remember, doping is a full time event. And having large robotic arms is a sure advantage when it comes to out of the saddle sprints.
Art Bike COuntdown
Whooooop alright so this weekend is the art bike auction
and as such, we should all try to FINISH OUR ART BIKEEEZZZ!!! or not anyway firday night jousting saturday auction at the 'carbondale blues and brews fest downtown c'town be 'der p.p.s stop by the gear X to make an art bike real quick!!
Art bike-a-makin
We're makin' art bikes for the auction on the 25th of august, time is short, not too short though, for OYOU to get on it..
Fresh Initial Stmp jerzee

Hiyo, it's my favorite time, crunch time, just like that, the art bike auction is under 20 days away. WHo's ready? wheeewe perhaps this weekend would be a good time for some gear exchange special time, saturday out back, come on by get it together. A bunch of stmpz have been talking about it, getting ready(?), and hopefully are going to be ready. I found a sweet cow skull yesterday... anyway email questions, make an artful bike, we're gonna ride around in circles on august 25th and hang out at the brews and blues fest in c'dale. Then we'll auction them off.... sweeeet stomparillaz@gmail.com
Downhill STompn' in Durango
cold cold stompn' at the durango ss rally, 'the spring roll' heeeeeyyyyayay
Dead Baby DOwnHill
So the West Coast StompaZ rolled out with the dead babyz 4 their famous downhill extravaganza. The race kicked off from a West Seattle shithole bar at the sound of a 1/4 stick of dynamite going off almost directly under a Lexus SuV, rolled through the post apocalyptic waste of Harbor Island (one of the most toxic places in the UsA, by the way.), down to the most lawless of neighborhoods Georgetown where a beer and heavy metal (cro-mo?) fueled party bike mosh/dance. Remember that scene from the second Matrix where the evil machines were coming and fat Laurence Fishburn was all like "PAAAARRRRRTTTYYYYYY!!!!!" it was mostly like that but with the best parts of Beyond Thunderdome thrown in for free. (Tina Turner in chain mail for instance.)
And...Jousting. of course. (tallbikessmallbikesbearvs.pandapreistvs.santaetc...)Ayaayayayayayay!!!!!
Porcupine Loop bici racin'

This weekend was Carbondale'z 200th Mountain Fair and the stompaz were in full force- well sorta. On sunday morning they rolled out on a number of goofy bikes to the top of the Porcupine Loop bike race and waited patiently for >

The first doper to come through, Michael Rasmusson Hayes III Esq. who was subsequently ordered off his bike, down to Darren with the baseball bat, and made to spin around the bat on his head. That was attempted, quite successfully, with the other 24 racers.

This guy was not in second place but he did have a rad old ride, 26"? with drop bars..

And a fairly typical batter, trying to make it around

For some, getting off the bike did not necessarily preclude spinning around the bat.

Two extremely talented stompaz, booby trapping the trail with water ballons and distracting riders with hi-pressure super soakin'. All in all it was a grand ol' way to spend sunday mornin' and the stomparillaz made sure that 'bonedale bike racin' didn't get too swerious..
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