

vers z money LEBOWSKI?

Is there some sort of  soiree? or vhat? 



Hello Everyone:
Registration for the Single Speed World Championships 2008 in Napa,
CA, USA, will open on January 1, 2008, at 12:00 a.m. pacific standard
time (AKA: California time). We will post an on-line form for people
to fill out and email to us soon. Again, registration does not open
until January 1, 2008 at 12:00 a.m. Any emailed registration forms
prior to that date and time will be deleted. We will leave
registration open until it fills up, maximum riders will be 350.
Everyone will be emailed letting them know if they are in or out. If
you are in, there will be instructions on payment via PayPal.
Registration is $35 U.S. dollars. If you don't make it in, we still
encourage you to come out and play that weekend anyway. There will be
lots of rides going on all over the Bay Area. More details about the
race weekend will be posted soon. Good Luck! Please forward to
friends that might be interested and please post on blogs and
websites, if applicable. We really want to inform as many as possible
so that everyone has a fighting chance to get into the race. Thanks.
Curtis, Ken, Jeff, Andrew, Dennis & Mitzi

email: info@sswc08.com



yup,, merry x-mas and general holidayz- come on out to the
rodeo rink in 'bonedale for broomball this evenin' and esp. thursday 12.27 for StompaRillaz Skatin Party & Conflict resolutionary stufff... hope yer all still in love with stuff--



LuVFUel FuelLuv

brad has a 'new' sweater vest-- it's perty sweeet- he worries noone will take him swerisously, asIF!!!!



seems but a snap ago that young ben cooopr wuz just scurryin' around lookinTROUBle well he gradumatated from Fort LEwis College with a BA in Theatre and i gave him a painting to mark the ooocccasion..

aaaaaanyway he'll be gettin involved with the new yearz musical chairz puppetterz DJ experience at SAW so thatz nice aaanyway lots to do between now and den..

1. Get SAW invitez- get one to John Oates

2. Get FuelLUV Stmpz screenprint screen reprinted print-session

3. STompa Summit

4. FMC xmas cruissr ride flyerz gifts etcetc

5. xmas?

etc. xoxoxoxox slapppy


sssupa secretz

KDUR.org stmprillaz regional aero-radio comin live outta durango.. wih scotty2hotty entertaining one mcsquared snaaaap friday 4-8!!!! KDUR.ORG

sliippy SLAPPPY

AndOR you could give a shit about brooomball but a. yer stoopid ridiculously form fitting 100 yr old skates could go missing last winter while making ice b. you pretty much have nothing better to do other than huge xtracycle skids on the ice with a POLO malllllet, broom this beeatch... and or THURSDAY night REmedial skatting aaassiiffany PunkSBIEEETCHEZ will be able to pull any double headerz with out fartin' in yer sox xoxoxoxox


Happy Aniverstompalicious

December First Friday was stellar. Why is it that ridin' fixies and cruisers and extracycles around in the dark and the slush and ice with work gloves and PBR and hoopin and hollerin' and skidding and boogien' never gets old?

Because the Stompa is forever young motha fucka!

Individually, we may age. But together, we will never grow up.

Still, behind the Slappy DJ stand in the Old Saw Space covered with newsprint being drawn on by Bonedale hipsters to 90s beats-- somewhere between the Sensimilla and Somebody's Bourbon-- we realized something.

We were celebrating the first birthday of the Carbondale Creative Cycling Collective -- AKA
The Stomparilla Brigade.

So happy birthday you bunch of good for anything pedal strokers. May you live long and strong and die a slow, instant death. Like moss on a rock, you're nothing but green fuzzy love-- eeping for a ray of sun and a drop of rain.

How 'bout another Stompa Summit?


stmpz dj alert ____ ---- go back to sleep.


1erst fridayayAYAYAYA!!

Dear YOmommmmaz, First Friday it is, last one of '07 if not the universe. SAW shop, you may have heard of it, studio for art and stompn', will be havin' an xtra special BARB?danceoff in the studio formerly know as 'barbz studeoo'. .. andAND Maxafrogamoose'zz paintings will be 'Pay What You Will.' - with a rather funny looking apostrophe algorithm purporting to the reserve, in memory of a certain 'BMF', "sometimes you stomp the stomp, sometimes the stomp stomps you." peas out m


Everyday Normal Guy



DEaRest STOMpArillaz

Deeearest STomPARillllaz. .. salppy here livin' on borrowed time in 'ol brooooklyn after engaging in a bit of strategery in not getting on a certain big silver bird bound for 'bonedale
and it would seem that it may or may not been prescient of ze future aaaaanyway see you all xtra soon n stuffff



checkachecka hOLA visual content people who knows

wordz to help the patriots get alonG

WEst Coast REport

All quiet, except for the rollin of big tires...
I wish I could say that I ran into Les Claypool or Too Short in Old Oaktown, but no. Times have changed, and the other velociraptors were at home gorging themselves on organs and organic meats of various sorts. Not to worry. I can listen to them on tape.

Ridin' in the redwoods turns out to be quiet a pleasurable experience, even with a broken pump and a rear tire leaking air. Caught onto some good psi karma by riding a front wheelie the last few miles.

Oh, and based on my subjective poll, ordinary people express doubt and fear when presented with a Stompareeja on one's head, while of course true stompaz just laugh and point...

After that ride, and before the next, I sought out the local crew. (I'm sure they know they'z stompaz, but maybe not so sure that's what its called)

I had found these boys online some time ago, and it was purely by cozmic coincidence that I stumbled into their shop.


Sweet track and track-like townies, with a definitive East Oakland edge. (even thought they're on Piedmont Ave)

Fo Sho see them at SSWC08.




Yesereee the 'ol retrotec sure did come back on line quick after that ninrrr broke in half... ha!
and rode 'er up the Red Hill Mushirrock with the GEARX Crew today and boy do those little wheels feel funny..



Well Oh gosh, I was gettin ready to ride to work and discovered that this bike would not be the
one to ride in it's current state.. sheesh done and done aanyway niner seems pretty into the
whole warranty thing so that's niiiicee

Well I was jsu


2nd Annual River' Crossn' Bike Race




so we'll have the video up here in a minute and devonz photos watermarked
R linkd in ze title sinsgsisngssinssing


niiicce riide

One Less TRD Tacoma

whoz in for racin' 'em in mooooobe

bottom line i guess, you could and should have a tiger pit

pretty self explanatory

pretty self explanatory

build tigr pit and it shall soon be burstingly largesseee



2ndannnnual rivr crossn' bike race siiiiiccccccc
photographeeded by some cute girls and Devon of DB lower left corner framefame
here scoooba STEVeZ is pursued in greater dfl-land-area by Lyndon of lowrd seat fame
two gears to rub together AYAYAYAYAY



yeah does anyone know nothin bout this? sounds prob perty big time

n stff

SOoooo letz just say for the moment that you are one hundred percent IN for Saturdayz River Crossn' Bike race> OK > ? (@nine a.m. no less)? And lets say that yer perty smrt n stuff... Weellll would you thnk that stopping by the Gear EXCAHNGE on Friday night would be a good way to ensure that, oh say, yer bike was in fine working order, as were your legs /heart/brain/liver/ninjalikereflexez>???? Well what if It turned out that there was actually a secret dance party at the Gear Xchange that would probably put you to bed past yer bedtime and be guaranteed to wreak victorious havoc on yourself , the RivR CrossN' bike race and most likely , the very fibre of yer soul>>>. WOULD YOU SHOW?!?!? well anyway yer invited to briiiinnnhgIT 'round back of the Gear Xchange in GWOOOOD on Friday night, suuccckkkkaaaz

We will not not stomp



thomas edison fixie tricks

Need 4 Speed - pt 2 of 5

As promised Pt. II



yoyo, the hope is palpable up on the crown, "what's gonnnaa happen?" whoo knowz kids lets just see if it's siiiiiick singletrack... coool


handled like a dream that's fer sure



Fixed Gear Bike Tricks by Ines Brunn on an Artistic Bicycle

When does something cool become a bit sad? NEVER!!! Things that are cool only become cooler the farther you stick them out suckas!


Insight into what you missed..............

so yeah, it's obvious to me 'n' vanilly that none of the so called stompaz showed. i have to say that you truly missed an all time best event. The thursday night SS ride was a cemetery crawl through town and into the night, culminating with a stop at Mr Smilie's grave. ( Mr Smilie had been collecting and repairing bikes for needy folks for several years in Durango. He died last year, and the local riders have taken over his collection, donated piles of usable and fixed up bikes this summer, and have started the new bike collective co-op which will be rolling in strong come next summer. ) finals that evening included the traditional thursday SS pub crawl. Friday nite was the premier of two videos following the KDUR Hop-off. The first was a tribute to Durango Devo, the local rider prep club, the only of it's kind in the nation. The second (the headliner), was the Mallethead premier, a documentary of bike polo and the scene. Both were over the top homemade films, with excellent film quality, music, and of course comedy galore, not to mention some sweet riding. Post films was a late nite at Colin's new pad, which has to be seen, and is definitely the hot spot of late for riders, drinkers, artists, crackpots, and the like. That brings us to Saturday morning, which came much too early and had us all meeting up, dressed up, and rearin' to to ride all day. The post below has a good video montage, and what you don't see, you would have had to be there to believe. Something like 47 riders, as far flung as Tucson,San Fran, and Portland. But you're right, it was too far to come over from Carbondale last weekend.... ANYWAYS, good riding, camaraderie and the like all day long, interspersed with PBR and High Ten, go figure. The finish, well, um, finished, then mass ride to town, where we all split up and napped, ate, whatever to get ready for what?, another nite out? So there we were, at the Summit, free admission with your race card, to see four bands, two of which had come in from the West coast just for us. Awards, music, booze, repeat. Something like that. As for me, I was lucky enough to have a flight out at 6am the following morning, so I was glad to be in bed by 2am. Sunday was a bike polo tourney, which I sadly missed, but would have been a good end to one of the best experiences of a lifetime. But you're right, it was too far, you were too tired, and Goddammit, nobody made it out to the Doper tour...... Yes, yes, good excuses all around, I suppose. I wouldn't have wanted to share the fun anyways. But you fuckin missed it. Anyways, as some sort of consolation, I do have a picture of my trophy that I made for the event, which is also a lamp, and I spent a good part of 10 or more hours making it, and it was up for grabs, but now, NOW??, it's a prize for next year, when it will be handed down, brought back from it's perch upon Scissom's shelves, to be re-donated to the Rally. Because THE DEAD WILL RIDE AGAIN, and if you know what's good for you, you'll be there, 'cause you only live once.





Weeellll actually STMP radio will not not be alternating this week , rather,
so yeah, up and on, be theerrreee mon eve 11-1 tues morn 8-10


to much stompn' around here people, what
do you think they'll say?!

Just in case you wondered where all the racket came from,
the Stomparillaz Electronical Engineerz are responsible fo sho


Need 4 Speed - pt 1

I'll post these in installments. Watch out for part II...ii...AAAAyyyyyyyyyyyAAAAAAAyyyyyyyyy






help stompn' world wide by bringin' battereez of the D variety to HQ 2morrow before the cruizr ride a ANDOR havin them on you out of the ride for deadboomboxez andor bringin' boomboxeZ with radio capabilities ... .siiiiick thnx m



If n yer on the blog well what the fff get on the stmp radioooo? kdnk.org uno w . w. w. w.w.ww.w..w DUH and call in for costume ad-vice on a tele-phonoo 970 963 2976


Welll that WUz Easeeee!

Yup no problem, theze jerzeeez r so hot they can't B avoided..
well this bum wuz spotted and he actually already payed but WHAtev!!!

STompaZ Go 2 the ROdWEoOO

Why does this goofy bidness have so many hitz? cuz its rad i guess


DEADFEST WAS A DONKEY FEST OF THE UTMOST SOPHISTICATION! ALL YOUS WHOSE MISSED IT SHOULD BE SAD.3 days, 48 racers, 7 stages, look for the upcoming more documentation to upcome. ARRRRRYA

Remaining JERzzzeeezzzzz

You want one, that much was apparent when you blushed.
There are some left, going quickly i might addd,

4 left, one spoken for moments ago... ok so get it together...
100,000,000 in cash but likely as not we could work out a payment plan , initial fee $66.666
or soooomethin' .. anyway email moi stomparillaz@gmail peas m

When in doubt

I thought you might like tis quote for your blog,from an old book
called The Household Guide from 1897. Bike riding was relatively new
then, but had many followers: >.>>>>>.... THankS MOM!

"Bicycle Exercise
To get the real benefit a bicycle can give, dont't race, or attempt
phenomenal distances.
Walk up the severe hills, i.e, those (depending on the person) which
cause the slightest inconvenience in breathing.
Avoid going with riders who are stronger than you, as you are then
about certain to overdo.
Sit erect.
Wear loose woolen clothing.
Go,if possible, into an interesting country, so as to have occasion
for little detours afoot, off the road, and so vary the exercise.
Go alone if you can,and not with someone who will not stop and rest
when you feel like it."



Well rumor has it he's moving to carbondale, so just be on the lookout ok?