
When in doubt

I thought you might like tis quote for your blog,from an old book
called The Household Guide from 1897. Bike riding was relatively new
then, but had many followers: >.>>>>>.... THankS MOM!

"Bicycle Exercise
To get the real benefit a bicycle can give, dont't race, or attempt
phenomenal distances.
Walk up the severe hills, i.e, those (depending on the person) which
cause the slightest inconvenience in breathing.
Avoid going with riders who are stronger than you, as you are then
about certain to overdo.
Sit erect.
Wear loose woolen clothing.
Go,if possible, into an interesting country, so as to have occasion
for little detours afoot, off the road, and so vary the exercise.
Go alone if you can,and not with someone who will not stop and rest
when you feel like it."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

done and done