Yeah, it was sweet. We had 9 teams and played a double elimination seeded tourney. Malletheads, Buff Pleasuredome and 2 FC teams came out and we put together 3 stompa teams: SkulBunneez, StompaFiash, and LoveSafety. As you can imagine, Malletheads won, but the FC Belfry boys gave them a great run for their money in the finals. They were up 4-3 or something at one point. Going Down Swinging had Malletheads at 3-0 as well in one game! They got 3rd.
We had two ladies' teams, Buff PleasureDome and the All-Kitten SpokeStarz, who played each other a couple of times. It was Buff PleasureDome who prevailed!
Thanks to all the stompaz who made the extra effort. Its soopersweet that such good energy can be harnessed for the sake of an art form... the stick and bike and ball game.
Practice in G'wood tonight. NiRad missed the tourney, so he's gonna be itchin' to play!
See you in Durango, if not before.
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