
Bruce Willis and Slappy visit the Capitol

A new 'Merican hero goes on a VisionQuest with tiny Ponyz and finds The Big Bruce right here in Colyrado.


R`squared said...

poetic, touching, lovely - a true representation of colyrado & the Slapster livin in it w/ why U wanna hurt me bruce always on my mind, you were always on my mind, tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died - oh, um, that's Willie Nelson - love that song anyway http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3DXyfL3HX0
but really, the video, brought tears to my eyes... or was that my sunscreen running again? hey sTeve P, thx for this little gem ;-)

MikeVanTasstic said...

Dear Die Hard,
You Rock.
Especially that time that the guy was on top of the building.