
Memorial Processional (STompN')

The Procession rolled out of HQ yesterday morning in fine form. When Damon arrived last spring, I had just spotted this sweet Panasonic 'Grand Touring' bike out behind the Defiance thrift store in Glenwood. He went and got it and rather quickly, thanks to Ajax Bike and SNort, we converted it to a fixxee and got some better bars on it. An absolutely appropriate steed, Damon loved the Panny immensely and the Stompaz thought it appropriate to take it on a processional ride. The Street Stomper, boasting not only his boombox and a bag full of whatnot, but also a fork mount, capably towed the Panny up to El Jebel for breakfast and back. On our way out of town we stopped to read the fresh Stomp memorial cairn in the middle of the bike path made by Barb. With a couple of Damon's playlists' on shuffle and a leisurely pace we'd like to think that Damon enjoyed an excellent Stompa Procession.

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