So incase you were wondering... George Cluny and Al Gore have definately had a rad conversation about world savin' stufffff.
Took long enough to get viddddeO up here but anyway this is this one stompa at the Eiesemen Hut up above Vail Stompn around this last Feb.. WHich bye the bye if anyone has any interest in heading on this epic HUt trip NEXT winter get in touch with Max STAT! cuz the mo money we have by the begining of april, the more spots we'll reserve, like YOURS! So yeah EPIC
Stompaz. Sweet. Thanks for settin' up the full moon summer program. I've been slacking but stompaz always be pickin up the slack. It should be Awesome! My only request/reminder/suggestion is that this event not be too wild. We want grandma and tiny Bob to feel safe and welcome. We stompaz are the SHEPHERDS on the full-moon ride. The GUARDIANS and the GRACIOUS HOSTS. Don't mind changin' the route a little, but it would be nice to stick to one throughout. The gente likes predictability and it helps them feel more in control/ a part of what's happening. Cant wait for April 2! Ride On!