

So incase you were wondering... George Cluny and Al Gore have definately had a rad conversation about world savin' stufffff.


SO yeah add this bid-ness to your calender
The summer Stomp rides in conjunction with
the town of 'bonedale.

Indy Pass Century either May 19th or 20th
Probably Saturday may 19th and we would pass the ride for the pass crew on their way down..

Fixxn' for breakfast, don't worry, fixxxez don't hurt that bad..

Paonia Pizza run, we could probably pre-ride that today.. anyone want some pizza? sweeeet

see ya there m

NEW Stompa!

Lets get a hiphipHOOOORAy for a new stompa
courtesy of Aaron and Myrna about a day old or so, they were thinking maybe
holding out until April 1st, but alas, fresh and clean and blogged.. http://zyggie.blogspot.com/


No mas AJAX

SO yeah, just in case you didn't KNow, I'm a bici mechanic and for whatever reasonz
I've worked at this bench for the last 100 yrs. Tomorrow is my last day so come on bye
and we'll reminisce and shit... yeah aJax Bikes bonedale


Hey WE NEEED a new BOOm Box for STOMPN'
Ideally a super pumpin' not too big one that runs on
puppies, but i guess Dz will have to suffice for the
duration.. but if you gots one CALLL me! m

FULL MOON cruzin' etiquette

AdamCarb said...

Stompaz. Sweet. Thanks for settin' up the full moon summer program. I've been slacking but stompaz always be pickin up the slack. It should be Awesome! My only request/reminder/suggestion is that this event not be too wild. We want grandma and tiny Bob to feel safe and welcome. We stompaz are the SHEPHERDS on the full-moon ride. The GUARDIANS and the GRACIOUS HOSTS. Don't mind changin' the route a little, but it would be nice to stick to one throughout. The gente likes predictability and it helps them feel more in control/ a part of what's happening. Cant wait for April 2! Ride On!

SO Yeah since this guy didn't put it up in the FRONt i thought i would... Just for the record
Bikes are weird, bikes are scary, bikes are dumbbb, bikes are hard, bikes are weird, you know..

So the fact that so many people get together on bikes for a completely fun event is swell and the stompaz owe it to the world to offer nothing but positivity to the Full MOOn Cruiza ride
like, NO DUH And changing the world must happen one stmp at a time, scaring those folks who hesitantly join in cruizin' back into there tvhouseCAR is BAD... get them hooked on how good it can be and go from there... to midnite fixxee drag racin' for example..

So take 'er easy at FUll MOon Cruizer ride and save the trouble until afta' thanks AdmCarb...

oooh and as was made apparent by the hefty 5-0 presence
on the last ride, don't be DUM probably be a good idea
for lots of lights this time... and stufff


takin' care of BIDnessss

SO as you most likely know this particular stompa is out in
Oregon at home with 'rents takin care of buisness..
Cancer is in his liver and colin and may or may not be
gettin chopped at today.. So anyway since we all know that nothing is better than care packages and esp. art care packages Damons shipping address isssss

Damon Wallick
508 wild fern
winchester 0R

STOMP it OUT Clean it UP

ski stompa

Took long enough to get viddddeO up here but anyway this is this one stompa at the Eiesemen Hut up above Vail Stompn around this last Feb.. WHich bye the bye if anyone has any interest in heading on this epic HUt trip NEXT winter get in touch with Max STAT! cuz the mo money we have by the begining of april, the more spots we'll reserve, like YOURS! So yeah EPIC


Apocalypse movies are the best. Not just because Aerosmith, Dennis Quade, Will Smith, Bruce Willis and Jesus are so great, but because we get to see a place where we know ourselves, and our mistakes become petty. We are savage beasts opting to not kill so that we can continue screaming in a vacuum, and i like to bike.


Wake Up

For every acre of retail space built Fou4r$$$ acres of parking lot are created.
Skid your flaming tires all over that shit. Burn. Burn. Burn.

Be life Be alive Be a ball of white heat plunging to the bottom of the ocean.

(this post by swampstomp)


OPERator w/ my pocket calculATOR

I'm the operator with my pocket calculator

I am adding and subtracting

I'm controlling and

I'm the operator with my pocket calculator

By pressing down a special key, it plays a little melody


stmpn 4 heyzues

Wellwelll welll just making some new full moon cruizr flyerz for the summer gettin back to 9 it's niciice out that's for sure this past weekend saw trouble again as usual, ben trouble cooper, looking for it the biken squad rollin strong on friday eve with some town cruizen, starin down the cops forever of course.. as well as doin some secret bridge assisted star viewing .. and saturday night
the first annual CarBombDale Frisbee Golf Invitational ... delightful action on the stompaz night course.. and the cops confirmed that not only is night golf the most approporiate way to ring in the st. patty's day, but it's also legal?! sweet.

And in the midst of figuring out the full moon schedule, discovered that June has TWO full moonz and the first one happens to be on First Friday.... a certain you know who's inagural solo opening at SAW.. followed by an off the hook dance party at notHQ! see ya there

And Tonight STOMP radio double header.. see you in the morning...


Full MOOOON Cruizr ride

SOO all winter long the full moon cruiser rides have mercifully started at 8 p.m and quite a turnout indeed has subsequently followed. WELL it' summer now and the daylight has been saved and we will kick off at 9 starting this coming MOnday April 2nd, whooooooeee



max is slow

is thaT a muLLet?

yes it is
its a numerator chicken flap limited to rip
only six lickens.
its a numerator chicken flap limited to rip
only six lickens.


Cobra Hat??!!

Is this what outkast meant by "so fresh and so cleanclean"?


What is the difference?

Every thing is the same. Monday is the same as friday and pork is the same as beef. You is an eggplant.

roller st,mpn

The newest super fly purple triangular bike mechanic at ajax who only rides streetbikez

Yes stmpn and phtOshopn' isR one and the same


Hot Rod

So a natural progression... Like bikes? Light them on fire!

Does anyone know of a RaD venue for this sort of thing? I think it will go over well with both the kids and our comunity safety liason (stooge) at the full moon cruiser rides.



Don't worry it will be okay......... lift a tenement


So. When you design yourself, is it always a caricature, or usually a self portrait?

We're all hunan.


Hunan Pork

So all these photos are of the same dish.... funny they look so diferent. Its like people or dogs. Its all people and its all dogs or all pigions (actualy all PgNs look the same) BUT THEY ARE SO DIFFERENT! How cool is thaT? Let's celebrate our wonderfull HUmAn DiversitY by eating lots of HUnAn PorK!!!!iiiii!!!!!


What is there not not to do?

Being a bike mechanic can be hard. You get grease all over your ring tees, sprockets under your fingernails and of course you have to eat a lot of peanut brittle. I pose the question however, " Is there realy anything not worth doing?" Why not let big happy dogs eat your ears? Why not spend that extra five miutemitutes searching the rag box for a lost ball bearing?



Itali size

embolden them terroristsists





In the opening montage the Pussycat Dolls are ripped, stripperlike aerobics types who strut in random pole-dancer get-ups meant to suggest fascism, field hockey and Heidi of the Alps.



Did some heavy stompn' in the blizzard at Eisemen for the last week, culminated at the inaugural SAW gallery opening about an hour after skinning out on friday... whooE



yellllllo the pain may subside the pain being more or less significant depending on the stomp. For this stompa it seems to have been born out of a week long hut trip that culminated on first friday at SAW for the inaugural opening and phatthai of course.. anyway Mr. Damon Wallick is stompn hard out in Oregon but the cancer is stompn' too. He needs all our love as well as any other stuff you might want to send, (books, trees, pictures, art, etc.) so anyway if you're interested get a hold of max. stmp on