YEsterday was looking up. After a morning court date in Delta to deal with a speeding ticket in my friends rocketship i was back in tride and Stash asked if I'd care to join him and Pete Garber for a ride in Cortez. Yup, lookin' up. Beautiful day for shreddin at Phil's world. Three steel 29'r hard tails rallyin' around. Upon stopping at one point i mentioned discovering a crack in my old Niner frame and Pete looked down to see a Huge crack in his Soma Juice. Downtube juncture with headtube, above the underside gusset all the way around to the other side. oh snap! Well having forgotten, among other things, my helmet, I also didn't have a camera to catch the expression. Then a matter of moments later, riding around to meet Pete making his way gingerly back, I started to here awful creaking noises, although I was gradually climbing and didn't experience a big impact in particular, reaching down to the top tube where I'd broken my last SiR9 and just put some tape on over my front cable guide, i felt something. Proceeding to shred I couldn't really ignore the noise and after a bit I had a look under the tape. Same crack as last time, running around the top tube from the front side of the front brake cable guide, with about a centimeter of material remaining intact on top, which of course is plenty. Oh SnAp! Well since I didn't discover the last crack until i got home I figured I'd ride it and see if the entire top tube sheered which it didn't, so aaanyway. WArRaNTY!!!!! maybe they'll opt for internal cable routing this time. Good thing I've got an xtracycle race this weekend and pugsley tour next week and a big hammer for niner dis-assembly.